冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第943期:第四十四章 琼恩(20)(在线收听

   "The men who formed the Night's Watch knew that only their courage shielded the realm from the darkness to the north. “守夜人军团的创建者深知他们的勇气是守护王国,抵抗北方黑暗势力的惟一屏障。

  They knew they must have no divided loyalties to weaken their resolve. 他们深知自己不能分神他顾,否则决心必将动摇,
  So they vowed they would have no wives nor children. 所以他们誓不娶妻,誓不生子。”
  Yet brothers they had, and sisters. Mothers who gave them birth, fathers who gave them names. “然而人皆有父母,皆有兄弟姐妹。
  They came from a hundred quarrelsome kingdoms, and they knew times may change, but men do not. 他们来自纷争不断的大小王国,也深知时局虽改,人性终究不变。
  So they pledged as well that the Night's Watch would take no part in the battles of the realms it guarded." 于是他们立下誓言:守夜人守护王国,但绝不参与其中任何战役。”
  They kept their pledge. “他们恪守誓言。
  When Aegon slew Black Harren and claimed his kingdom, Harren's brother was Lord Commander on the Wall, with ten thousand swords to hand. 当伊耿杀死黑心赫伦,夺其王国的时候,赫伦的兄弟正是长城守军总司令,手下有一万精兵,
  He did not march. 但他没有出兵。
  In the days when the Seven Kingdoms were seven kingdoms, not a generation passed that three or four of them were not at war. 当七大王国依旧是七国分立的年代,任何一个时代,至少都有三四个国家彼此交战,
  The Watch took no part. 但守夜人没有参战。
  When the Andals crossed the narrow sea and swept away the kingdoms of the First Men, 当安达尔人渡海而来,横扫先民诸国,
  the sons of the fallen kings held true to their vows and remained at their posts. 这些死去国王的子孙们依旧奉誓不渝,坚守岗位。