冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第944期:第四十四章 琼恩(21)(在线收听

   So it has always been, for years beyond counting. 千百年来,始终如一,

  Such is the price of honor. 这便是荣誉的代价。”
  A craven can be as brave as any man, when there is nothing to fear. “当一个人无所畏惧时,即便懦夫也能展现不输于人的勇气。
  And we all do our duty, when there is no cost to it. 当我们毋需付出代价时,自然都能尽忠职守。
  How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor. 行走在这条荣耀的大道上,似乎是那么地容易。
  Yet soon or late in every man's life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he must choose. 然而每个人的生命中迟早会遇到考验,那便是他必须抉择的时刻。”
  Some of the ravens were still eating, long stringy bits of meat dangling from their beaks. 有些渡鸦还在吃,细细的肉丝悬挂在长喙边,不住摇晃。
  The rest seemed to be watching him. 大多数乌鸦似乎都看着他。
  Jon could feel the weight of all those tiny black eyes. 琼恩能感觉每一双细小的黑眼停在他身上的重量。
  "And this is my day... is that what you're saying?" “如今就是我要抉择的时刻……您的意思,是这样吗?”
  Maester Aemon turned his head and looked at him with those dead white eyes. 伊蒙师傅转过头,用那双瞎了的白眼“看”着他,
  It was as if he were seeing right into his heart. 仿佛可以看透他的心。
  Jon felt naked and exposed. 琼恩觉得自己赤裸裸的,什么都藏不住。
  He took the bucket in both hands and flung the rest of the slops through the bars. 他情不自禁地两手握起桶子,把剩下的碎肉全倒进笼里。
  Strings of meat and blood flew everywhere, scattering the ravens. 肉条和血水,四处飞溅,
  They took to the air, shrieking wildly. 渡鸦纷纷振翅散开,疯狂尖叫。
  The quicker birds snatched morsels on the wing and gulped them down greedily. 动作快的在空中叼住肉条,贪婪地大口吞咽。
  Jon let the empty bucket clang to the floor. 琼恩松开手,任由空桶“咔啦”落地。