冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第945期:第四十四章 琼恩(22)(在线收听

   The old man laid a withered, spotted hand on his shoulder. 老人伸出一只枯槁而遍布斑点的手,放在他肩上。

  "It hurts, boy," he said softly. "Oh, yes. Choosing... it has always hurt. “孩子,这很痛苦,”他轻声说,“噢,可不是嘛,做出抉择……总是痛苦的。
  And always will. I know." 现在如此,以后依然。我知道。”
  You don't know, Jon said bitterly. "No one knows.  “不,你不知道。”琼恩苦涩地说,“没有人知道。
  Even if I am his bastard, he's still my father... " 就算我是他的私生子,他依旧是我父亲……”
  Maester Aemon sighed. "Have you heard nothing I've told you, Jon? 伊蒙师傅叹道:“琼恩,我刚才告诉你的,你难道都没听进去?
  Do you think you are the first?" 你难道认为自己是第一个经历考验的人吗?”
  He shook his ancient head, a gesture weary beyond words. 他摇摇苍老的头,那是个虚弱得难以形容的动作。
  "Three times the gods saw fit to test my vows. “天上诸神为我的誓言设立过三次考验。
  Once when I was a boy, once in the fullness of my manhood, and once when I had grown old. 一次在我年幼,一次我正值壮年,最后一次则在我步入老年之后。
  By then my strength was fled, my eyes grown dim, yet that last choice was as cruel as the first. 那时我已年老体衰,视力渐弱,然而面临的抉择如同第一次那般残酷。
  My ravens would bring the news from the south, words darker than their wings,  渡鸦从南方带来我家族灭亡的消息。黑色的翅膀,黑暗的消息。
  the ruin of my House, the death of my kin, disgrace and desolation. 我的亲人死亡、名声扫地、景况凄凉。
  What could I have done, old, blind, frail? 但我这个身体虚弱的瞎眼老人能做些什么呢?