冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第946期:第四十四章 琼恩(23)(在线收听

   I was helpless as a suckling babe, 我像是襁褓中嗷嗷待哺的婴儿一般无助,

  yet still it grieved me to sit forgotten as they cut down my brother's poor grandson, and his son, and even the little children... " 可一旦想到自己坐在这里,置身事外,听任他们杀害我弟弟可怜的孙子,他的曾孙,还有那些无辜的孩儿……”
  Jon was shocked to see the shine of tears in the old man's eyes. 老人眼中晶莹的泪水,让琼恩惊骇得不能言语。
  "Who are you?" he asked quietly, almost in dread. “您究竟是谁?”他近乎恐惧地轻声问。
  A toothless smile quivered on the ancient lips. 那双老迈的唇微微牵起,露出一张无牙的嘴。
  "Only a maester of the Citadel, bound in service to Castle Black and the Night's Watch. “不过就是个自学城毕业,立誓为黑城堡与守夜人奉献心力的学士罢了。
  In my order, we put aside our house names when we take our vows and don the collar." 在我的组织里,每当我们立下誓言,戴起项链之时,便须抛弃原有的家族姓氏。”
  The old man touched the maester's chain that hung loosely around his thin, fleshless neck. 老人摸摸挂在自己削瘦脖子上的项链。
  "My father was Maekar, the First of his Name, and my brother Aegon reigned after him in my stead. “我的父亲是梅卡一世,在他之后,我的弟弟伊耿代替我继承王位。
  My grandfather named me for Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, who was his uncle, or his father, depending on which tale you believe. Aemon, he called me... " 我的祖父为我取名伊蒙,用以纪念龙骑士伊蒙王子,也就是他的叔叔,或者他的父亲,看你相信哪个版本的故事。我原名……”
  Aemon... Targaryen? Jon could scarcely believe it. “伊蒙……‘坦格利安’?”琼恩简直不敢相信。