冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第948期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(1)(在线收听

   Last of all the dogs would come sniffing, lean and hungry, the feral pack that was never far behind the khalasar. 最后则是削瘦饥饿但凶猛的狗群,它们闻闻嗅嗅,永远跟随卡拉萨。

  The sheep had been dead longest. 羊群最早死去,
  There seemed to be thousands of them, black with flies, arrow shafts bristling from each carcass. 似乎有几千只之多,它们身上插满了箭,羽毛竖立在尸体之上。
  Khal Ogo's riders had done that, Dany knew; 丹妮知道这一定是奥戈卡奥的的部队干的;
  no man of Drogo's khalasar would be such a fool as to waste his arrows on sheep when there were shepherds yet to kill. 卓戈的卡拉萨绝不会如此愚蠢,在没杀掉牧羊人之前,就把箭浪费在羊身上。
  The town was afire, black plumes of smoke roiling and tumbling as they rose into a hard blue sky. 城镇起火燃烧,缕缕黑烟腾涌翻滚,直上湛蓝的天空。
  Beneath broken walls of dried mud, riders galloped back and forth, swinging their long whips as they herded the survivors from the smoking rubble. 在倾颓的干泥土墙下,骑马战士往来奔驰,挥舞手中长鞭,驱策生还者离开冒烟的废墟。
  The women and children of Ogo's khalasar walked with a sullen pride, even in defeat and bondage; 奥戈卡拉萨的女人和小孩即便战败、即使被人奴役,走起路来依旧有种愠怒的自尊;
  they were slaves now, but they seemed not to fear it. 他们如今沦为奴隶,却似乎勇敢地接受自己的命运。
  It was different with the townsfolk. 当地镇民就不一样了。
  Dany pitied them; she remembered what terror felt like. 丹妮深深地怜悯他们,她清楚地记得恐惧的滋味。
  Mothers stumbled along with blank, dead faces, pulling sobbing children by the hand. 许多母亲面无表情,死气沉沉,步伐踉跄地拉着啜泣不停的孩子。
  There were only a few men among them, cripples and cowards and grandfathers. 他们之中仅有少数男性,多半是残废、懦夫和祖父辈的老人。
  Sir Jorah said the people of this country named themselves the Lhazareen, but the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men.  乔拉爵士曾说,这个地方的人自称拉札林人,但多斯拉克人唤他们作“赫西拉奇”,意思是“羊人”。