冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第949期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(2)(在线收听

   Once Dany might have taken them for Dothraki, for they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes. 若是从前,丹妮可能会把他们错当成多斯拉克人,因为他们同样有着古铜色皮肤和杏仁形的眼睛。

  Now they looked alien to her, squat and flat-faced, their black hair cropped unnaturally short. 但如今他们在她眼中显得殊异:扁脸、粗矮,黑发剪得异常地短。
  They were herders of sheep and eaters of vegetables, and Khal Drogo said they belonged south of the river bend. 他们牧养羊群,种植作物,卓戈卡奥说他们的活动范围一直在多斯拉克海边沿的大河以南,
  The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep. 因为多斯拉克海的草不是给羊吃的。
  Dany saw one boy bolt and run for the river. 丹妮看到一个男孩健步奔向河畔,
  A rider cut him off and turned him, and the others boxed him in, cracking their whips in his face, running him this way and that. 一名骑马战士阻断他的来路,逼他转身,其余的人则把他围在中间,扬鞭抽打他的脸,驱策他四处逃窜。
  One galloped behind him, lashing him across the buttocks until his thighs ran red with blood. 又一名战士快马跑到他背后,不停鞭打他的臀部,直到鲜血染红了他的大腿。
  Another snared his ankle with a lash and sent him sprawling. 还有一人挥鞭勾住他的脚踝,使之扑倒在地。
  Finally, when the boy could only crawl, they grew bored of the sport and put an arrow through his back. 最后,那男孩只能坚持爬行,他们觉得无聊,便一箭射穿他的背。
  Sir Jorah met her outside the shattered gate. 乔拉爵士在崩毁的城门外迎接她。
  He wore a dark green surcoat over his mail. 他在盔甲外罩了一件暗绿色罩袍。
  His gauntlets, greaves, and greathelm were dark grey steel. 他的铁手套、护膝和巨盔都是深灰色精钢打造。
  The Dothraki had mocked him for a coward when he donned his armor, 当他穿上盔甲时,多斯拉克人嘲笑他是胆小鬼,
  but the knight had spit insults right back in their teeth, tempers had flared, longsword had clashed with arakh, 这名骑士立刻骂了回去,双方一言不合,长剑与亚拉克弯刀交击的结果,
  and the rider whose taunts had been loudest had been left behind to bleed to death. 那个嘲笑最大声的多斯拉克武士被丢在后方,流血至死。