冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第951期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(4)(在线收听

   I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. 我是真龙传人,丹妮莉丝·坦格利安一边转开脸,一边提醒自己。

  She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate. 她抿紧嘴唇,硬起心肠,骑马朝城门走去。
  "Most of Ogo's riders fled," Sir Jorah was saying. "Still, there may be as many as ten thousand captives." “奥戈的大部分战士都逃了,”乔拉爵士道,“即便如此,仍有一万名左右的俘虏。”
  Slaves, Dany thought. 是一万名奴隶,丹妮心想。
  Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver's Bay. 卓戈卡奥将把这些人顺着大河,驱赶到下游奴隶湾的城镇去。
  She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. 她好想哭,但她告诉自己必须坚强。
  This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne. 这是战争,战争就是这样,这是为夺回铁王座所必须付出的代价。
  "I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen," Sir Jorah said. “我建议卡奥去弥林,”乔拉爵士道,
  "They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. “那里开的价比奴隶商队慷慨得多。
  Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. 伊利里欧信上说,该城去年遭到瘟疫袭击,所以妓院愿付双倍的价钱购买健康的年轻女孩,十岁以下的小男生甚至是三倍的价钱。
  If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them." 如果有足够的孩子撑过这趟旅程,所得的金子不但够我们买船,还足以雇水手。”
  Behind them, the girl being raped made a heartrending sound, a long sobbing wail that went on and on and on. 身后,被轮暴的女孩发出令人心碎的声音,那是一声长长的抽噎,无止尽地持续下去。
  Dany's hand clenched hard around the reins, and she turned the silver's head. 丹妮紧握缰绳,调转马头。
  "Make them stop," she commanded Sir Jorah. “叫他们住手。”她命令乔拉爵士。
  "Khaleesi?" The knight sounded perplexed. “卡丽熙?”骑士似乎有些为难。
  "You heard my words," she said. "Stop them." “你听到了我的命令。”她说,“叫他们住手。”
  She spoke to her khas in the harsh accents of Dothraki. 她改用多斯拉克语对卡斯部众下令,口气尖锐,
  "Jhogo, Quaro, you will aid Sir Jorah. I want no rape." “乔戈、魁洛,你们协助乔拉爵士,我不要见到强暴发生。”