冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第955期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(8)(在线收听

   One of the short arrows of the Lamb Men stuck through the meat of his upper arm, 他的上臂插了一枝羊人的短箭,

  and blood covered the left side of his bare chest like a splash of paint. 赤裸的左胸一片血红,像是泼洒了颜料。
  His three bloodriders were with him. 他的三个血盟卫悉数在场。
  Jhiqui helped Dany dismount; she had grown clumsy as her belly grew larger and heavier. 姬琪搀扶丹妮下马;随着肚子越来越大,她的躯体越显沉重,行动日渐笨拙。
  She knelt before the khal. 她在卡奥面前跪下。
  "My sun-and-stars is wounded." “我的日和星受伤了。”
  The arakh cut was wide but shallow; 亚拉克弯刀所留的伤口虽然很长,幸而割得不深;
  his left nipple was gone, and a flap of bloody flesh and skin dangled from his chest like a wet rag. 他的左边乳头不见踪影,一片血淋淋的皮肉垂在胸前,活如一块湿润的破布。
  "Is scratch, moon of life, from arakh of one bloodrider to Khal Ogo," Khal Drogo said in the Common Tongue. “这是擦伤,我生命中的月亮,来自奥戈卡奥的血盟卫。”卓戈卡奥说。
  "I kill him for it, and Ogo too." “为此我杀了他,也杀了奥戈。”
  He turned his head, the bells in his braid ringing softly. 他扭扭头,发辫上的铃铛轻声作响。
  "Is Ogo you hear, and Fogo his khalakka, who was khal when I slew him." “你听到的是奥戈,还有他的卡拉喀佛戈,当我杀他的时候,他是卡奥。”
  "No man can stand before the sun of my life," Dany said, "the father of the stallion who mounts the world." “无人能抵挡我生命中的太阳,”丹妮说,“他是骑着世界的骏马之父。”
  A mounted warrior rode up and vaulted from his saddle. 这时,一名战士骑马而至,翻身下鞍,
  He spoke to Haggo, a stream of angry Dothraki too fast for Dany to understand. 愤怒地用多斯拉克语对哈戈讲了一大串话,由于速度太快,丹妮听不懂。
  The huge bloodrider gave her a heavy look before he turned to his khal  高大的血盟卫沉重地看了她一眼,这才转向卡奥。
  "This one is Mago, who rides in the khas of Ko Jhaqo. “这是马戈,贾科寇(寇:多斯拉克人对卡拉萨里仅次子卡奥的首领的称呼,他们拥有自己的卡斯。)的卡斯部众。
  He says the khaleesi has taken his spoils, a daughter of the lambs who was his to mount." 他说卡丽熙抢走了他的战利品,一个应该让他骑的羔羊之女。”