冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第957期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(10)(在线收听

   And you, Mago, hold your tongue and find another lamb to mount. 至于你,马戈,闭上你的嘴巴,去找别的羊骑。

  These belong to my khaleesi." 这些人属于我的卡丽熙。”
  He started to reach out a hand to Daenerys, but as he lifted his arm Drogo grimaced in sudden pain and turned his head. 卓戈朝丹妮莉丝伸出手,没想刚抬手臂就痛得皱眉转头。
  Dany could almost feel his agony. The wounds were worse than Sir Jorah had led her to believe. 丹妮几乎可以感受他的痛苦,这些伤远比乔拉爵士形容的严重。。
  "Where are the healers?" she demanded. “医者在哪里?”她质问。
  The khalasar had two sorts: barren women and eunuch slaves. 卡拉萨里有两种人专事医疗:不孕的妇女和奴隶太监。
  The herbwomen dealt in potions and spells, the eunuchs in knife, needle, and fire. 草药妇人以药水和符咒疗伤,太监则用尖刀、针线和烈火
  "Why do they not attend the khal?" “为何无人替卡奥疗伤?”
  "The khal sent the hairless men away, Khaleesi," old Cohollo assured her. “卡丽熙,是卡奥把无毛人遣走的。”老科霍罗告诉她。
  Dany saw the bloodrider had taken a wound himself; a deep gash in his left shoulder. 丹妮发现血盟卫自己也受了伤,左肩有一道极深的刀痕。
  "Many riders are hurt," Khal Drogo said stubbornly. “有很多战士受伤,”卓戈卡奥固执地说,
  "Let them be healed first. “就让他们先接受治疗。
  This arrow is no more than the bite of a fly, this little cut only a new scar to boast of to my son." 这枝箭和苍蝇叮咬没什么两样,而这个小刀伤,只不过是另一个我可以向儿子炫耀的疤痕。”
  Dany could see the muscles in his chest where the skin had been cut away. 丹妮看到他胸膛被割裂的皮肤下的肌肉,
  A trickle of blood ran from the arrow that pierced his arm. 他的箭伤则血流如注。
  "It is not for Khal Drogo to wait," she proclaimed. “不能让卓戈卡奥等,”她宣布,
  "Jhogo, seek out these eunuchs and bring them here at once." “乔戈,找到太监,把他们立刻带来。”