冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第958期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(11)(在线收听

   "Silver Lady," a woman's voice said behind her, "I can help the Great Rider with his hurts." “银夫人,”身后传来一个女性的声音。“我可以帮伟大的骑马战士疗伤。”

  Dany turned her head. The speaker was one of the slaves she had claimed, the heavy, flat-nosed woman who had blessed her. 丹妮转头,开口的人是她解救的一名奴隶,就是那个祝福她的肥胖扁鼻妇人。
  "The khal needs no help from women who lie with sheep," barked Qotho. “卡奥不需要跟羊交配的女人帮忙。”柯索大喝一声,
  "Aggo, cut out her tongue." “阿戈,割下她的舌头!”
  Aggo grabbed her hair and pressed a knife to her throat. 阿戈一把扯住她的头发,将匕首往她喉咙按去。
  Dany lifted a hand. "No. She is mine. Let her speak." 丹妮举手制止。“住手,她是我的人。让她说。”
  "I meant no wrong, fierce riders." “勇猛的骑马战士啊,我没有恶意。”
  The woman spoke Dothraki well. 这女人的多斯拉克语很流利。
  The robes she wore had once been the lightest and finest of woolens, rich with embroidery, but now they were mud-caked and bloody and ripped. 她穿的长袍原本是极轻薄的上等羊毛制成,织有繁复的图案,如今却沾满泥土和血迹,扯得破烂。
  She clutched the torn cloth of her bodice to her heavy breasts. 她抓紧褴褛的衣裳,遮住硕大的乳房。
  "I have some small skill in the healing arts." “我真的懂得一点医术。”
  "Who are you?" Dany asked her. “你是做什么的?”丹妮问她。
  "I am named Mirri Maz Duur. I am godswife of this temple." “我叫弥丽·马兹·笃尔,是这座神庙的女祭司。”
  "Maegi," grunted Haggo, fingering his arakh. His look was dark. “巫魔女。”哈戈咕哝道,一边玩弄着手中的亚拉克弯刀,眼神阴沉。
  Dany remembered the word from a terrifying story that Jhiqui had told her one night by the cookfire. 丹妮回忆起某日晚间姬琪在营火边说的恐怖故事:
  A maegi was a woman who lay with demons and practiced the blackest of sorceries, a vile thing, evil and soulless, 巫魔女是专与恶魔交媾,施行最黑暗恐怖的妖术,邪恶残忍而无灵魂的女人。
  who came to men in the dark of night and sucked life and strength from their bodies. 她们到了夜间会寻找男性,吸干他们的精力,直到对方死亡为止。