冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第959期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(12)(在线收听

   "I am a healer," Mirri Maz Duur said. “我只是个医者。”弥丽·马兹·笃尔说。

  "A healer of sheeps," sneered Qotho. “羊的医者。”柯索轻蔑地说,
  "Blood of my blood, I say kill this maegi and wait for the hairless men." “吾血之血,我说杀了这个巫魔女,等无毛人来。”
  Dany ignored the bloodrider's outburst. 丹妮不理会暴跳的血盟卫。
  This old, homely, thickbodied woman did not look like a maegi to her. 在她看来,眼前这个年老丑陋的胖女人怎么也不像是巫魔女。
  "Where did you learn your healing, Mirri Maz Duur?" “弥丽·马兹·笃尔,你的医术从哪里学来?”
  "My mother was godswife before me, and taught me all the songs and spells most pleasing to the Great Shepherd, “我母亲是从前的女祭司,她教我学会取悦至高牧神的歌曲和咒语,
  and how to make the sacred smokes and ointments from leaf and root and berry. 以及如何用树叶、树根和浆果调制圣烟和圣膏。
  When I was younger and more fair, I went in caravan to Asshai by the Shadow, to learn from their mages. 当我年轻貌美的时候,曾跟随商队,前往阴影之旁的亚夏,希望向他们的魔法师讨教。
  Ships from many lands come to Asshai, so I lingered long to study the healing ways of distant peoples. 无数国度的船只都在亚夏汇集,于是我在当地长期逗留,学习异邦民族的医疗之术。
  A moonsinger of the Jogos Nhai gifted me with her birthing songs,  一位来自鸠格斯奈的月之歌者教我她的分娩之歌,
  a woman of your own riding people taught me the magics of grass and corn and horse, 一位你们骑马民族的女人则教我属于青草、玉米和马匹的魔法,
  and a maester from the Sunset Lands opened a body for me and showed me all the secrets that hide beneath the skin." 更有一位来自日落之地的学士剖开尸体,告诉我埋藏于皮肤之下的所有奥秘。”
  Sir Jorah Mormont spoke up. "A maester?" 乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士开口:“学士?”
  "Marwyn, he named himself," the woman replied in the Common Tongue. “他自称马尔温,”女人回答,
  "From the sea. Beyond the sea. The Seven Lands, he said. Sunset Lands. Where men are iron and dragons rule. “从汪洋彼端的七国之地乘船而来。那里是日落国度,人们穿着铁衣,被巨龙所统治。
  He taught me this speech." 他教会了我他家乡的语言。”