冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第960期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(13)(在线收听

   "A maester in Asshai," Sir Jorah mused. "Tell me, Godswife, what did this Marwyn wear about his neck?" “学士竟会出现在亚夏?”乔拉爵士若有所思地说,“告诉我,女祭司,这位马尔温的脖子上戴了什么?”

  "A chain so tight it was like to choke him, Iron Lord, with links of many metals." “铁大王,他戴了一条用多种金属串成的项链,非常紧,像要把他掐死。”
  The knight looked at Dany. 骑士看看丹妮。
  "Only a man trained in the Citadel of Oldtown wears such a chain," he said, "and such men do know much of healing." “只有在旧镇的学城受训的人才会戴这种项链,”他说,“而这种人的确精通医术。”
  "Why should you want to help my khal?" “你为什么要帮助我的卡奥?”
  "All men are one flock, or so we are taught," replied Mirri Maz Duur. “所有的人都属于同一群羊羔,我所接受的教育这么告诉我。”弥丽·马兹·笃尔回答,
  "The Great Shepherd sent me to earth to heal his lambs, wherever I might find them." “至高牧神派遣我下凡医治他的羔羊,不论何时何地。”
  Qotho gave her a stinging slap. 柯索“啪”一声,抽了她一记耳光。
  "We are no sheep, maegi." “巫魔女,我们不是羊。”
  "Stop it," Dany said angrily. "She is mine. I will not have her harmed." “住手!”丹妮怒道,“她是我的人,不许你伤害她。”
  Khal Drogo grunted. "The arrow must come out, Qotho." 卓戈卡奥闷哼一声。“柯索,这枝箭总得弄出来。”
  "Yes, Great Rider," Mirri Maz Duur answered, touching her bruised face. “是的,伟大的骑马战士。”弥丽·马兹·笃尔答道,一边抚着自己淤伤的脸颊。
  "And your breast must be washed and sewn, lest the wound fester." “而您的胸伤也必须立刻清洗,然后缝补.不然会化脓的。”
  "Do it, then," Khal Drogo commanded. “那就快动手罢。”卓戈卡奥命令。
  "Great Rider," the woman said, "my tools and potions are inside the god's house, where the healing powers are strongest." “伟大的骑马战士啊,”那女人说:“我的用具和药剂都在神庙里面,那里的治疗之力最为强大。”
  "I will carry you, blood of my blood," Haggo offered. “吾血之血,我扶你进去。”哈戈提议。