冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第963期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(16)(在线收听

   The khal ground his teeth together and swallowed a scream. 卡奥咬紧牙关,忍住尖叫。

  The godswife took out a silver needle and a bobbin of silk thread and began to close the flesh. 女祭司取出一根银针和一团丝线,开始缝合伤口。
  When she was done she painted the skin with red ointment, covered it with more leaves, and bound the breast in a ragged piece of lambskin. 完成之后,她又在伤口抹了一种红色药膏,覆盖更多湿叶,并用一块羊皮裹住胸部。
  "You must say the prayers I give you and keep the lambskin in place for ten days and ten nights," she said. “您必须包着这羊皮,并照我所说的祷词按时祷告,持续十天十夜。”她说,
  "There will be fever, and itching, and a great scar when the healing is done." “您会发烧,还会很痒,伤口愈合后也会留下很大的一块疤。”
  Khal Drogo sat, bells ringing. "I sing of my scars, sheep woman." He flexed his arm and scowled. 卓戈卡奥坐起来,发际铃铛丁当作响。“羊女,我以我的伤疤为傲。”他动动手臂,痛得皱眉。
  "Drink neither wine nor the milk of the poppy," she cautioned him. "Pain you will have, but you must keep your body strong to fight the poison spirits." “不能喝酒,也不能喝罂粟花奶,”她警告他,“虽然很痛,但你必须保持身体强壮,才能与毒素的恶灵斗争。”
  "I am khal," Drogo said. "I spit on pain and drink what I like.  “我是卡奥,”卓戈说,“我不怕痛,爱喝什么就喝什么。
  Cohollo, bring my vest." The older man hastened off. 科霍罗,把我的背心拿来。”老科霍罗快步离开。
  "Before," Dany said to the ugly Lhazareen woman, "I heard you speak of birthing songs... " “刚才,”丹妮对那位丑陋的拉札林女人说。“我听你说起分娩之歌……”
  "I know every secret of the bloody bed, Silver Lady, nor have I ever lost a babe," Mirri Maz Duur replied. “银夫人,我懂得染血产床的所有奥秘,从没有接生失败过。”弥丽·马兹·笃尔回答。
  "My time is near," Dany said. "I would have you attend me when he comes, if you would." “我就快生了,”丹妮说,“如果你愿意,我儿子出生时希望你能帮我接生。”