冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第964期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(17)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo laughed. "Moon of my life, you do not ask a slave, you tell her. She will do as you command." 卓戈卡奥笑道:“我生命中的月亮,跟奴隶说话不是用问的,你只要交代下去,让她照办就成了。”

  He jumped down from the altar. 他跳下祭坛。
  "Come, my blood. The stallions call, this place is ashes. It is time to ride." “走吧,吾血之血,马儿在呼唤着我们。此地只剩废墟,动身的时刻到了。”
  Haggo followed the khal from the temple, but Qotho lingered long enough to favor Mirri Maz Duur with a stare. 哈戈随卡奥走出神庙,但柯索留了片刻,瞪着弥丽·马兹·笃尔。
  "Remember, maegi, as the khal fares, so shall you." “记住,巫魔女,卡奥没事,你才能留下一条命。”
  "As you say, rider," the woman answered him, gathering up her jars and bottles.  “如您所说,骑马战士。”女人回答他,一边收拾她的瓶瓶罐罐。
  "The Great Shepherd guards the flock." “愿至高牧神看顾所有羊羔。”
  Tyrion. On a hill overlooking the kingsroad, a long trestle table of rough-hewn pine had been erected beneath an elm tree and covered with a golden cloth. 提利昂。在一座俯瞰国王大道的丘陵上,搭起了一张原松木做成的折叠长桌,其上铺好了金黄桌布。
  There, beside his pavilion, Lord Tywin took his evening meal with his chief knights and lords bannermen, 泰温公爵的大帐就在桌旁,红金相间的大旗飘扬于长竿之上,
  his great crimson-and-gold standard waving overhead from a lofty pike. 而他本人便是在此与手下重要骑士和诸侯共进晚餐。
  Tyrion arrived late, saddlesore, and sour, all too vividly aware of how amusing he must look as he waddled up the slope to his father. 提利昂到得有些迟,他骑了一整天马,此刻浑身酸痛,摇摇摆摆地爬上缓坡,朝父亲走去,心里十分清楚自己是何等滑稽模样。
  The day's march had been long and tiring. 这天的行军路途漫长,令人筋疲力竭。
  He thought he might get quite drunk tonight. 今晚他打算喝个酩酊大醉。
  It was twilight, and the air was alive with drifting fireflies. 时间已是黄昏,空中满是流萤,仿佛有了生命。