冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第966期:第四十六章 提利昂(2)(在线收听

   Lord Lefford, the sour bird who had charge of their stores and supplies, leaned forward. 负责辎重补给的莱佛德伯爵——一个无趣的家伙——向前一靠:

  "I hope your savages do not share your reluctance, else we've wasted our good steel on them." “希望你那群野蛮人不像你一样没用,否则我们精良的装备就白白浪费了。”
  My savages will put your steel to excellent use, my lord, Tyrion replied. “大人,我保证我那群野蛮人会让你的装备物尽其用。”提利昂回答。
  When he had told Lefford he needed arms and armor to equip the three hundred men Ulf had fetched down out of the foothills, 之前,当他告诉莱佛德需要武器和护甲,用来装备乌尔夫从山上找来那三百人时,
  you would have thought he'd asked the man to turn his virgin daughters over to their pleasure. 莱佛德的表情活像是别人要他交出自己的闺女。
  Lord Lefford frowned. 莱佛德伯爵皱起眉头。
  "I saw that great hairy one today, the one who insisted that he must have two battle-axes, “我今天碰见了那个浑身是毛的高个子,那家伙坚持要拿两把战斧。
  the heavy black steel ones with twin crescent blades." 他挑的可都是黑色重钢打造,两面月刃的上等货色。”
  Shagga likes to kill with either hand, Tyrion said as a trencher of steaming pork was laid in front of him. “夏嘎喜欢双手操家伙。”提利昂看着侍者把一盘冒烟的烤猪肉放在面前,一边说。
  He still had that wood-axe of his strapped to his back. “他自己那柄木斧还挂在背后。”
  Shagga is of the opinion that three axes are even better than two. “我想夏嘎的意思是,三把斧头肯定比两把好。”
  Tyrion reached a thumb and forefinger into the salt dish, and sprinkled a healthy pinch over his meat. 提利昂伸出拇指和食指探进盐碟,在肉上洒了一大把。
  Sir Kevan leaned forward. "We had a thought to put you and your wildlings in the vanguard when we come to battle." 这时凯冯爵士倾身向前:“我们有个想法,开战的时候,打算把你和你那群野人放在前锋。”
  Sir Kevan seldom "had a thought" that Lord Tywin had not had first.  凯冯爵士的“想法”通常都是泰温公爵的主意。