冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第969期:第四十六章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   He caught the scent of garlic sausage, spiced and savory, so tempting it made his empty stomach growl. 他闻到蒜肠的香味,辛辣又可口,令他空空的肚腹饥肠辘辘。

  Away in the distance, he heard voices raised in some bawdy song. 他听见远处有人唱起情色小曲,
  A giggling woman raced past him, naked beneath a dark cloak, her drunken pursuer stumbling over tree roots. 一个女人咯咯笑着从身边跑过,身上只盖了件深色斗篷,一个醉酒的人追在她后面,没两步就被树根绊倒。
  Farther on, two spearmen faced each other across a little trickle of a stream, 更远的地方,两名长矛兵隔着小溪,
  practicing their thrust-and-parry in the fading light, their chests bare and slick with sweat. 就着渐渐黯淡的天光,练习格挡和突刺的技巧,赤裸的胸膛上大汗淋漓。
  No one looked at him. No one spoke to him. No one paid him any mind. 无人看他一眼,无人与他交谈,无人注意到他。
  He was surrounded by men sworn to House Lannister, a vast host twenty thousand strong, and yet he was alone. 在他周围,全是宣誓效忠兰尼斯特家族的部属,一共多达两万人的庞大军团。然而他,却孤独无依。
  When he heard the deep rumble of Shagga's laughter booming through the dark, 后来,他总算听到夏嘎低沉浑厚的笑声透过夜色轰隆传来,便循着笑声,
  he followed it to the Stone Crows in their small corner of the night. 找到石鸦部过夜的小角落。
  Conn son of Coratt waved a tankard of ale. 科拉特之子康恩朝他挥挥一大杯麦酒。
  "Tyrion Halfman! Come, sit by our fire, share meat with the Stone Crows. We have an ox." “半人提利昂!过来,来我们火边坐坐,跟石鸦部一起吃肉,我们弄到一头牛。”
  I can see that, Conn son of Coratt. “我看到了,科拉特之子康恩。”
  The huge red carcass was suspended over a roaring fire, skewered on a spit the size of a small tree. 巨大的血红牛尸被架在熊熊营火之上,用一根粗如小树的烤肉叉串起。
  No doubt it was a small tree.  恐怕那根叉子原本就是一棵小树罢。