冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第970期:第四十六章 提利昂(6)(在线收听

   Blood and grease dripped down into the flames as two Stone Crows turned the meat. 鲜血和油汁滴落火焰中,两个石鸦部的人合力转着牛。

  "I thank you. Send for me when the ox is cooked." “谢谢你,等牛烤好后叫我一声。”
  From the look of it, that might even be before the battle. He walked on. 依目前的情形看来,或许能赶在开战前吃到。他继续往前走。
  Each clan had its own cookfire; 每个部落都生了自己的营火;
  Black Ears did not eat with Stone Crows, Stone Crows did not eat with Moon Brothers, and no one ate with Burned Men. 黑耳部不和石鸦部共食,石鸦部不和月人部共食,而任何部落都不和灼人部共食。
  The modest tent he had coaxed out of Lord Lefford's stores had been erected in the center of the four fires. 他好不容易才从莱佛德伯爵那儿弄来的帐篷,就位于四部营火中间。
  Tyrion found Bronn sharing a skin of wine with the new servants. 来到帐前,提利昂发现波隆正和他新来的仆人们喝酒。
  Lord Tywin had sent him a groom and a body servant to see to his needs, and even insisted he take a squire. 泰温公爵派来一个马夫和一个贴身仆人照料他起居,甚至还坚持他应该带个侍从。
  They were seated around the embers of a small cookfire. 他们围坐在小营火的灰烬旁,
  A girl was with them; slim, dark-haired, no more than eighteen by the look of her. 在场的还有个女孩;纤细、黑发,看来不超过十八岁。
  Tyrion studied her face for a moment, before he spied fishbones in the ashes. "What did you eat?" 提利昂打量了她一会儿,这才瞥见火烬里的鱼骨头。“你们吃了什么?”
  Trout, m'lord, said his groom. "Bronn caught them." “大人,是鳟鱼。”他的马夫说,“波隆抓的。”
  Trout, he thought. Suckling pig. Damn my father. 鳟鱼,他心想,烤乳猪。父亲真该死。
  He stared mournfully at the bones, his belly rumbling. 他有些哀怨地望着鱼骨,肚子咕噜叫。
  His squire, a boy with the unfortunate name of Podrick Payne, swallowed whatever he had been about to say. 他的侍从把原本要说的话吞了下去,这孩子很不幸地姓了派恩,
  The lad was a distant cousin to Sir Ilyn Payne, the king's headsman... and almost as quiet, although not for want of a tongue.  波德瑞克·派恩,是御前执法官伊林·派恩爵士的远亲……几乎和他一样沉默寡言,虽然并非没有舌头。