冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第972期:第四十六章 提利昂(8)(在线收听

  Jyck had not always troubled to do that. 杰克以前通常懒得说明,

  There was a look the girls got in their eyes sometimes when they first beheld the lordling they'd been hired to pleasure... 于是许多女孩初次见到这位她们受雇服侍的贵族少爷时,眼底的神情便油然而生……

  a look that Tyrion Lannister did not ever care to see again. 那是一种提利昂·兰尼斯特这辈子难以忍受的神情。

  He lifted the candle and looked her over. 他拿起蜡烛,把她仔细打量一番。

  Bronn had done well enough; she was doe-eyed and slim,  波隆眼光不错:她生得一双雌鹿般的眸子,身形纤细,

  with small firm breasts and a smile that was by turns shy, insolent, and wicked. He liked that. 乳房小而结实,脸上的笑容时而羞怯、时而傲慢、时而邪恶。他挺满意。

  "Shall I take my gown off, m'lord?" she asked. “大人,要我脱衣服吗?”她问。

  In good time. Are you a maiden, Shae? “稍等,雪伊,你是处女吗?”

  If it please you, m'lord, she said demurely. “大人,您高兴的话,就这样想吧。”她故作庄重地说。

  What would please me would be the truth of you, girl. “小妹妹,知道真相我才会高兴。”

  Aye, but that will cost you double. “是吗?那您得付双倍的钱。”

  Tyrion decided they would get along splendidly. 提利昂认为他们简直是绝配。

  "I am a Lannister. Gold I have in plenty, and you'll find me generous ... “我是兰尼斯特家的人,有的是黄金,你会发现我是个很慷慨的人……

  but I'll want more from you than what you've got between your legs, though I'll want that too. 但我要的不只是你两腿间的东西——当然那个我肯定要。

  You'll share my tent, pour my wine, laugh at my jests, rub the ache from my legs after each day's ride... 我要你和我一起住,为我倒酒,陪我说笑,每天在我奔波之后替我按摩双脚……

  and whether I keep you a day or a year, for so long as we are together you will take no other men into your bed." 而且,不管我留你一天还是一年,只要我们在一起,你就不许跟其他男人上床。”

  Fair enough. She reached down to the hem of her thin roughspun gown and pulled it up over her head in one smooth motion, tossing it aside. “很公道。”她伸手向下,抓住自己粗布薄衫的裙摆,流畅地上拉过头,丢到一边。

  There was nothing underneath but Shae. 底下除了裸体,空无一物。

  "If he don't put down that candle, m'lord will burn his fingers." “大人不把蜡烛放下来,可是会烧到手的。”
