冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第973期:第四十六章 提利昂(9)(在线收听

   Tyrion put down the candle, took her hand in his, and pulled her gently to him. She bent to kiss him. 提利昂放下蜡烛,牵起她的手,轻轻拉拢。她俯身亲吻他,

  Her mouth tasted of honey and cloves, and her fingers were deft and practiced as they found the fastenings of his clothes. 嘴里有蜂蜜和苜蓿的味道,她的手指灵活熟练地找到他衣服的绳结。
  When he entered her, she welcomed him with whispered endearments and small, shuddering gasps of pleasure. 当他进入她体内的时候,她用低回的亲密话语和颤抖的喜乐喘息来迎接他。
  Tyrion suspected her delight was feigned, but she did it so well that it did not matter. 提利昂怀疑她的愉悦是装出来的,但由于她装得非常逼真,他也就不以为意,
  That much truth he did not crave. 毕竟这背后的真相他可不想知道。
  He had needed her, Tyrion realized afterward, as she lay quietly in his arms. Her or someone like her. 完事后,当她静静地躺在他的怀里,提利昂才明白自己真的很需要她,或者像她这样的人。
  It had been nigh on a year since he'd lain with a woman, 自他随哥哥及劳勃国王一行前往临冬城至今,
  since before he had set out for Winterfell in company with his brother and King Robert. 已经快一年没和女人睡过了。
  He could well die on the morrow or the day after, 而明天,或者后天,他就可能战死,
  and if he did, he would sooner go to his grave thinking of Shae than of his lord father, Lysa Arryn, or the Lady Catelyn Stark. 果真如此,他死的时候宁可想着雪伊,也不要想着父亲大人、莱莎·艾林或凯特琳·史塔克夫人。
  He could feel the softness of her breasts pressed against his arm as she lay beside him. 他感觉到她柔软的胸部靠上自己臂膀,
  That was a good feeling. A song filled his head. 那是一种无比美妙的感觉,在他脑海里突然浮现出那首歌。
  Softly, quietly, he began to whistle. 静静地,轻轻地,他哼唱起来。
  What's that, m'lord? Shae murmured against him. “大人,唱什么哪?”雪伊靠着他呢喃道。
  Nothing, he told her. "A song I learned as a boy, that's all. Go to sleep, sweetling." “没什么,”他告诉她,“只是我小时候学的一首曲儿罢了。快睡罢,小宝贝。”