冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第975期:第四十六章 提利昂(11)(在线收听

   Bronn rose, cat-quick and cat-graceful, turning his sword in his hand. 波隆霍地起身,动作如灵猫一般迅捷优雅,手心转着剑。

  "You'll have me beside you in the battle, dwarf." “侏儒,打仗时我会在你身边。”
  Tyrion nodded. The night air was warm on his bare skin. 提利昂点点头,他的皮肤裸露在外,觉得夜晚的空气十分温暖。
  "See that I survive this battle, and you can name your reward." “保我这场仗活下来,要什么奖赏随你挑。”
  Bronn tossed the longsword from his right hand to his left, and tried a cut. 波隆将长剑从右手抛到左手,然后试着挥了一下。
  "Who'd want to kill the likes of you?" “谁想杀你这种人?”
  My lord father, for one. He's put me in the van. “我老爸就是一个。他派我打前锋。”
  I'd do the same. A small man with a big shield. You'll give the archers fits. “是我也会这么安排。小矮人举个大盾牌,教他们的箭手头痛死。”
  I find you oddly cheering, Tyrion said. "I must be mad." “听你这么一说,我的心情竟大为振奋,”提利昂道,“我一定是疯了。”
  Bronn sheathed his sword. "Beyond a doubt." 波隆收剑入鞘。“毫无疑问。”
  When Tyrion returned to his tent, Shae rolled onto her elbow and murmured sleepily, "I woke and m'lord was gone." 提利昂回到帐篷,发现雪伊已经翻身用手肘枕着脸,睡意未消地喃喃说:“我一醒来,大人就不见了。”
  M'lord is back now. He slid in beside her. “大人这不就回来了么。”他钻进被窝,在她身边躺下。
  Her hand went between his stunted legs, and found him hard. 她探手伸到他畸形的双腿之间,发现他硬了起来。
  "Yes he is," she whispered, stroking him. “的确是回来了哟。”她悄声说,同时抚弄他。
  He asked her about the man Bronn had taken her from, and she named the minor retainer of an insignificant lordling. 他问她是被波隆从谁手上带来的,她说出一个小贵族的随从的名字。
  "You need not fear his like, m'lord," the girl said, her fingers busy at his cock. "He is a small man." “大人,您用不着担心他。”女孩说,手指忙个不休。“他是个不起眼的小家伙。”
  And what am I, pray? Tyrion asked her. "A giant?" “那你倒是说说看,我又是什么?”提利昂问她,“难不成我是个巨人?”