冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第978期:第四十六章 提利昂(14)(在线收听

   I believe you would. Shae lowered the greathelm down over his head, and Pod fastened it to his gorget. “我相信你会。”雪伊为他戴上巨盔,波德随即将之与护喉相连。

  Tyrion buckled on his belt, heavy with the weight of shortsword and dirk. 提利昂扣上腰带,挂好短剑和匕首,沉甸甸的。
  By then his groom had brought up his mount, a formidable brown courser armored as heavily as he was. 这时马夫牵来他的坐骑,那是一头结实的棕色大马,身上的护甲和他一样厚实。
  He needed help to mount; he felt as though he weighed a thousand stone. 他得别人帮忙才上得了马,只觉自己如有千石重。
  Pod handed him up his shield, a massive slab of heavy ironwood banded with steel. Lastly they gave him his battle-axe. 波德递上他的铁木镶钢边大盾,然后是他的战斧。
  Shae stepped back and looked him over. "M'lord looks fearsome." 雪伊退开一步,上下打量他一番。“大人您看起来很威武。”
  M'lord looks a dwarf in mismatched armor, Tyrion answered sourly, "but I thank you for the kindness. “大人我看起来像个穿着滑稽盔甲的侏儒。”提利昂酸酸地说,“不过我谢谢你的好意。
  Podrick, should the battle go against us, see the lady safely home." 波德瑞克,倘若战事对我方不利,请护送这位小姐平安回家。”
  He saluted her with his axe, wheeled his horse about, and trotted off. 他举起战斧向她致意,然后调转马头,飞奔而去。
  His stomach was a hard knot, so tight it pained him. 他的肚子里好似打了一个结,绞得很紧,痛得厉害。
  Behind, his servants hurriedly began to strike his tent. 在他身后,他的仆人连忙开始拔营。
  Pale crimson fingers fanned out to the east as the first rays of the sun broke over the horizon. 朝阳自地平线升起,一根根淡红的手指从东方伸出。
  The western sky was a deep purple, speckled with stars. 西边的天空是一片深紫,缀着几颗星星。
  Tyrion wondered whether this was the last sunrise he would ever see... and whether wondering was a mark of cowardice. 提利昂不知这是否会是他今生所见最后一次日出……也不知思索这类事情是否就是怯懦的表现。
  Did his brother Jaime ever contemplate death before a battle? 哥哥詹姆在出战前想过死亡么?