冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第980期:第四十六章 提利昂(16)(在线收听

   More than three quarters of the knights were there, massed together like a great steel fist. 超过四分之三的骑士齐聚于此,有如一只巨大钢拳。

  Sir Addam Marbrand had the command. 该队由亚当·马尔布兰爵士指挥。
  Tyrion saw his banner unfurl as his standardbearer shook it out; a burning tree, orange and smoke.  提利昂看到他的掌旗官展开旗帜,家徽立即显露:一棵燃烧之树,橙色与烟灰相间。
  Behind him flew Sir Flement's purple unicorn, the brindled boar of Crakehall, the bantam rooster of Swyft, and more. 在他身后有佛列蒙爵士的紫色独角兽,克雷赫家族的斑纹野猪,以及史威佛家族的矮脚公鸡等旗号。
  His lord father took his place on the hill where he had slept. 父亲大人则坐镇大帐所在的丘陵之上,
  Around him, the reserve assembled; a huge force, half mounted and half foot, five thousand strong. 四周是预备队,一半骑兵一半步兵,多达五千人。
  Lord Tywin almost always chose to command the reserve; 泰温公爵向来指挥预备队,
  he would take the high ground and watch the battle unfold below him, committing his forces when and where they were needed most. 身处可将战况尽收眼底的高地,视情形将部队投入最需要的地方。
  Even from afar, his lord father was resplendent. 即便从远处观之,父亲也依旧辉煌耀眼。
  Tywin Lannister's battle armor put his son Jaime's gilded suit to shame. 泰温·兰尼斯特的战甲,连他儿子詹姆的镀金套装与之相比,都会黯然失色,
  His greatcloak was sewn from countless layers of cloth-of-gold, so heavy that it barely stirred even when he charged, 他的大披风由难以计数的金缕丝线织成,重到连冲锋都鲜少飘起,
  so large that its drape covered most of his stallion's hindquarters when he took the saddle. 一旦上马则几乎将坐骑后腿完全遮住。
  No ordinary clasp would suffice for such a weight, 普通的披风钩扣无法承受如此重量,
  so the greatcloak was held in place by a matched pair of miniature lionesses crouching on his shoulders, as if poised to spring. 取而代之的是一对趴在肩头,相互对应的小母狮,仿佛随时准备一跃而出。