冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第981期:第四十六章 提利昂(17)(在线收听

   Their mate, a male with a magnificent mane, reclined atop Lord Tywin's greathelm, one paw raking the air as he roared. 她们的配偶是一只鬃毛壮伟的雄狮,昂首立于泰温公爵的巨盔顶,一爪探空,张口怒吼。

  All three lions were wrought in gold, with ruby eyes. 三头狮子都是纯金打造,镶了红宝石眼睛。
  His armor was heavy steel plate, enameled in a dark crimson, greaves and gauntlets inlaid with ornate gold scrollwork. 他的盔甲则是厚重的钢板铠,上了暗红色瓷釉,护膝和铁手套均有繁复的黄金涡形装饰。
  His rondels were golden sunbursts, all his fastenings were gilded, 护手圆盘是黄金日芒,每一个钩扣都镀上了金。
  and the red steel was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like fire in the light of the rising sun. 红钢铠甲经过一再打磨,在旭日光芒中鲜亮如火。
  Tyrion could hear the rumble of the foemen's drums now. 这时,提利昂已可听见敌军的隆隆战鼓。
  He remembered Robb Stark as he had last seen him, in his father's high seat in the Great Hall of Winterfell, a sword naked and shining in his hands. 他记起上次在临冬城大厅,看见罗柏·史塔克坐在他父亲的高位上,手中未入鞘的长剑闪闪发光。
  He remembered how the direwolves had come at him out of the shadows, 他记得冰原狼自暗处攻来的景象,
  and suddenly he could see them again, snarling and snapping, teeth bared in his face. 突然间仿佛又看到它们咆哮着向他扑来,咧嘴露出尖牙利齿。
  Would the boy bring his wolves to war with him? 那小鬼会带狼上战场吗?
  The thought made him uneasy. 这念头令他大感不安。
  The northerners would be exhausted after their long sleepless march. 经过整夜无休的长途行军,北方人此刻一定筋疲力竭。
  Tyrion wondered what the boy had been thinking. 提利昂不明白那小鬼究竟打的是什么主意,
  Did he think to take them unawares while they slept? 难道想趁对方熟睡时攻其不备?
  Small chance of that; whatever else might be said of him, Tywin Lannister was no man's fool. 这样的机会实在不大,抛开其他方面不谈,泰温·兰尼斯特对战争可是精明之极。