冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第982期:第四十六章 提利昂(18)(在线收听

   The van was massing on the left. 前锋军在左方集结。

  He saw the standard first, three black dogs on a yellow field. 当先便是黄底的三黑狗旗,
  Sir Gregor sat beneath it, mounted on the biggest horse Tyrion had ever seen. 格雷果爵士正在旗下,骑着提利昂平生所见最大的马。
  Bronn took one look at him and grinned. "Always follow a big man into battle." 波隆看了他一眼,嘻嘻笑道:“打仗时,记住跟着大个子。”
  Tyrion threw him a hard look. "And why is that?" 提利昂严厉地看了他一眼。“这是为什么?”
  They make such splendid targets. That one, he'll draw the eyes of every bowman on the field. “他们是最棒的箭靶,瞧那家伙,他会吸引全战场弓箭手的目光。”
  Laughing, Tyrion regarded the Mountain with fresh eyes. 提利昂笑笑,转用全新的观点审视魔山。
  "I confess, I had not considered it in that light." “我得承认,我还从没这么想过。”
  Clegane had no splendor about him; his armor was steel plate, dull grey, scarred by hard use and showing neither sigil nor ornament. 克里冈的装备半点也称不上华丽:盔甲是深灰色的厚重钢板,其上只有长期剧烈使用的痕迹,没有任何纹章或装饰。
  He was pointing men into position with his blade, a two-handed greatsword that Sir Gregor waved about with one hand as a lesser man might wave a dagger. 他的佩剑是一把双手巨剑,然而格雷果爵士单手提起浑如常人拿匕首一般轻松。此刻,他正以剑尖戳指,喝令众人就位。
  "Any man runs, I'll cut him down myself," he was roaring when he caught sight of Tyrion. “谁要敢逃跑,我就亲手宰了他!”他咆哮道,转头看到了提利昂。
  "Imp! Take the left. Hold the river. If you can." “小恶魔!你守左边,看你有没有能耐守住河流。”
  The left of the left. To turn their flank, the Starks would need horses that could run on water. 那是左军的最左翼,只要守住这里,史塔克军便无法从侧面包抄——除非他们的马能在水上跑。
  Tyrion led his men toward the riverbank. 提利昂领军朝河岸行去。
  "Look," he shouted, pointing with his axe. "The river." “你们看!”他以斧指河,叫道。“就是这条河。”
  A blanket of pale mist still clung to the surface of the water, the murky green current swirling past underneath. 一层白雾依然如毯子般笼罩水面,暗绿河水奔流其下。
  The shallows were muddy and choked with reeds. " 浅滩满布泥泞,遍生芦苇。