冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第983期:第四十六章 提利昂(19)(在线收听

   That river is ours. Whatever happens, keep close to the water. “我们负责防守此地。无论发生什么,保持靠近河流,

  Never lose sight of it. Let no enemy come between us and our river. 决不要让它离开视线,决不能让任何敌人进到河流和我们之间。
  If they dirty our waters, hack off their cocks and feed them to the fishes." 他们要玷污我们的河水,我们就剁掉他们的命根子,丢进河里喂鱼吃。”
  Shagga had an axe in either hand. He smashed them together and made them ring. 夏嘎双手各持一斧,这时他两斧用力一敲,发出巨响。
  "Halfman!" he shouted. Other Stone Crows picked up the cry, and the Black Ears and Moon Brothers as well. “半人万岁!”他叫道。石鸦部的人立刻跟进,黑耳部和月人部也照样呼喊。
  The Burned Men did not shout, but they rattled their swords and spears. "Halfman! Halfman! Halfman!" 灼人部虽然没叫,但他们拿起枪剑互击。“半人万岁!半人万岁!”
  Tyrion turned his courser in a circle to look over the field. 提利昂骑马绕圈,检视战场。
  The ground was rolling and uneven here; 周围的土地崎岖不平:
  soft and muddy near the river, rising in a gentle slope toward the kingsroad, stony and broken beyond it, to the cast. 岸边是滑软泥泞,低缓上坡,升向国王大道,再往东去,则是多石的破碎地形。
  A few trees spotted the hillsides, but most of the land had been cleared and planted. 丘陵有些许林木点缀,不过此间树木多半已被伐尽,辟作农田。
  His heart pounded in his chest in time to the drums, and under his layers of leather and steel his brow was cold with sweat. 他听着战鼓,心脏在胸口随着节奏怦怦跳动,在层层的皮衣钢甲下,他的额际冷汗直流。
  He watched Sir Gregor as the Mountain rode up and down the line, shouting and gesticulating. 他看着魔山格雷果爵士策马在战线上来来去去.高声喊话,指手画脚。
  This wing was all cavalry, but where the right was a mailed fist of knights and heavy lancers, 左军的组成也多是骑兵,然而并不若右翼那样是由骑士和重装枪骑兵组成的钢拳,
  the vanguard was made up of the sweepings of the west:  而是西境的杂牌部队: