冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第989期:第四十六章 提利昂(25)(在线收听

   That won him a moment's respite. Reining up, he looked for the river. 这时,他获得了短暂的喘息机会,便勒住缰绳,寻找河岸,

  There it was, off to the right. Somehow he had gotten turned around. 猛然发现河流竟在右手,看来乱军中他不知不觉调转了方向。
  A Burned Man rode past, slumped against his horse. 一位灼人部民骑马从他身边跑过,软绵绵地趴在马脖子上,
  A spear had entered his belly and come out through his back. 一枝长矛插进肚腹,从背后穿出。
  He was past any help, but when Tyrion saw one of the northerners run up and make a grab for his reins, he charged. 虽然人是没救了,但当提利昂看见一名北方士兵跑过去要拉住那匹马的缰绳时,他也冲锋过去。
  His quarry met him sword in hand. 对方持剑迎战,
  He was tall and spare, wearing a long chainmail hauberk and gauntlets of lobstered steel,  他生得高大精瘦,穿着一件长衫锁子甲以及龙虾铁手套,
  but he'd lost his helm and blood ran down into his eyes from a gash across his forehead. 不过掉了头盔,鲜血从额头的伤口直流进眼里。
  Tyrion aimed a swipe at his face, but the tall man slammed it aside. 提利昂瞄准他的脸,奋力砍去,却被那高个子挥剑格开。
  "Dwarf," he screamed. "Die." He turned in a circle as Tyrion rode around him, hacking at his head and shoulders. “侏儒!”他尖叫,“去死!”提利昂骑马绕着他转,他也跟着旋身,不断挥剑朝他的头颅和肩膀砍劈。
  Steel rang on steel, and Tyrion soon realized that the tall man was quicker and stronger than he was. 刀斧相交,提利昂立时明白高个子不仅动作比他快,力气也比他大上许多。
  Where in the seven hells was Bronn? 天杀的七层地狱,波隆跑哪儿去了?
  "Die," the man grunted, chopping at him savagely. “去死!”那人咕哝着发动猛烈攻击。
  Tyrion barely got his shield up in time, and the wood seemed to explode inward under the force of the blow. 提利昂勉强及时举盾,挨下这一记猛击,盾牌仿佛要向内爆开,
  The shattered pieces fell away from his arm. 碎裂的木片从手边落下。
  "Die!" the swordsman bellowed, shoving in close and whanging Tyrion across the temple so hard his head rang.  “去死!”剑士咆哮着再度进逼,一剑当头劈下,打得提利昂头昏眼花。