冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第991期:第四十六章 提利昂(27)(在线收听

   Yes, Tyrion thought, but the word caught in his throat. 我投降,提利昂心想,但话却卡在喉咙里。

  He made a croaking sound and fought his way to his knees, fumbling for a weapon. His sword, his dirk, anything... 他发出沙哑的声音,挣扎着跪起来,胡乱地摸索武器:剑、匕首、什么都好……
  Do you yield? The knight loomed overhead on his armored warhorse. Man and horse both seemed immense. “投不投降?”骑士高高地坐在披甲的战马上,人和马都活像庞然大物。
  The spiked ball swung in a lazy circle. 带刺流星锤慵懒地转着圈。
  Tyrion's hands were numb, his vision blurred, his scabbard empty. 提利昂双手麻木,视觉模糊,剑鞘竟是空的。
  "Yield or die," the knight declared, his flail whirling faster and faster. “不投降就得死。”骑士高声宣布,链锤越转越快。
  Tyrion lurched to his feet, driving his head into the horse's belly. 提利昂踉跄着起身,不觉一头撞上马肚子。
  The animal gave a hideous scream and reared. It tried to twist away from the agony, 马儿发出凄厉的嘶喊,前脚跃起,想要挣开剧痛。
  a shower of blood and viscera poured down over Tyrion's face, and the horse fell like an avalanche. 鲜血和肉块如雨般喷洒在提利昂脸上,接着,马儿以山崩之势轰然倒地。
  The next he knew, his visor was packed with mud and something was crushing his foot. 等他回过神来,面罩里已塞满了泥巴,有东西正在撞击他的脚。
  He wriggled free, his throat so tight he could scarce talk. 他挣脱开来,喉咙紧绷得几乎无法言语。
  "... yield... " he managed to croak faintly. “……投降……”他好不容易挤出声来。
  Yes, a voice moaned, thick with pain. “是,我投降。”一个人呻吟道,声音充满痛苦。
  Tyrion scraped the mud off his helm so he could see again. The horse had fallen away from him, onto its rider. 提利昂拨开头盔的泥土,发现那匹马朝另一方向倒下,正好压在骑士身上。
  The knight's leg was trapped, the arm he'd used to break his fall twisted at a grotesque angle. 骑士的一只脚被马困住,用来缓冲撞击的手则扭曲成怪异的角度。