冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第992期:第四十六章 提利昂(28)(在线收听

   "Yield," he repeated. Fumbling at his belt with his good hand, he drew a sword and flung it at Tyrion's feet. "I yield, my lord." “我投降。”他继续说,同时用另一只没被折断的手在腰际摸索,抽出佩剑丢在提利昂脚下。“大人,我投降。”

  Dazed, the dwarf knelt and lifted the blade. 侏儒头晕目眩地弯身拾起那把剑,
  Pain hammered through his elbow when he moved his arm. 手稍微一动,阵阵剧痛便自肘部直冲脑际。
  The battle seemed to have moved beyond him. 战事似乎已经转移到别的地方,
  No one remained on his part of the field save a large number of corpses. 他所在的位置除了大批尸体,没有活人留下来。
  Ravens were already circling and landing to feed. 乌鸦在上空盘旋、落地啄食。
  He saw that Sir Kevan had brought up his center in support of the van; 他看到凯冯爵士派出中军支援前锋,
  his huge mass of pikemen had pushed the northerners back against the hills. 大批长枪兵将北方人逼回丘陵,
  They were struggling on the slopes, pikes thrusting against another wall of shields, these oval and reinforced with iron studs. 两军正在缓坡上作殊死搏斗,长枪方阵碰上了又一堵由椭圆铁钉盾构成的墙垒。
  As he watched, the air filled with arrows again, and the men behind the oak wall crumbled beneath the murderous fire. 他一边看,只见空中又洒下一阵箭雨,盾墙后的士兵在无情的炮火下纷纷倒地。
  "I believe you are losing, ser," he told the knight under the horse. “爵士先生,我想你们快输了。”他对被马压住的骑士说。
  The man made no reply. 对方没有答话。
  The sound of hooves coming up behind him made him whirl, though he could scarcely lift the sword he held for the agony in his elbow. 背后忽然传来蹄声,他急忙旋身,但由于手肘的剧痛,他已无法举剑作战。
  Brorm reined up and looked down on him. 幸好来的是波隆,他勒住缰绳,往下看着他。
  Small use you turned out to be, Tyrion told him. “看来,你还真帮不了什么忙。”提利昂告诉他。
  It would seem you did well enough on your own, Bronn answered. “我看你靠自己也就够了。”波隆回答,
  "You've lost the spike off your helm, though." “你只把头盔上的刺弄丢了。”
  Tyrion groped at the top of the greathelm. The spike had snapped off clean. 提利昂伸手一摸,巨盔上的尖剌已然整个儿折断。
  "I haven't lost it. I know just where it is. Do you see my horse?" “我没弄丢,我知道它在哪里。看到我的马了吗?”