冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第993期:第四十六章 提利昂(29)(在线收听

   By the time they found it, the trumpets had sounded again and Lord Tywin's reserve came sweeping up along the river. 等他们找到马,喇叭又再度响起,泰温公爵的预备队倾巢而出,沿着河岸朝敌军冲去。

  Tyrion watched his father fly past, the crimson-and-gold banner of Lannister rippling over his head as he thundered across the field. 提利昂看着父亲急驰而过,身边围绕着五百名骑士,阳光在枪尖闪耀,
  Five hundred knights surrounded him, sunlight flashing off the points of their lances. 兰尼斯特家族的红金旗帜在头顶飞扬。
  The remnants of the Stark lines shattered like glass beneath the hammer of their charge. 史塔克家的残余部队在冲击下彻底溃散,有如被铁锤敲打的玻璃。
  With his elbow swollen and throbbing inside his armor, Tyrion made no attempt to join the slaughter. 提利昂盔甲下的手肘又肿又痛,他也就没参加最后的屠杀,
  He and Bronn went looking for his men. 转而和波隆前去寻找他的手下。
  Many he found among the dead. 许多人都是在死人堆里找到的。
  Ulf son of Umar lay in a pool of congealing blood, his arm gone at the elbow, a dozen of his Moon Brothers sprawled around him. 乌玛尔之子乌尔夫倒在一滩渐渐凝固的血泊里,右手肘以下全部不见,身旁还倒卧了十几个月人部的同胞。
  Shagga was slumped beneath a tree, riddled with arrows, Conn's head in his lap. 夏嘎颓然靠坐在一棵树下,全身插满了箭,康恩的头枕在他膝上。
  Tyrion thought they were both dead, but as he dismounted, Shagga opened his eyes and said, "They have killed Conn son of Coratt." 提利昂本以为他俩都死了,但当他下马时,夏嘎却睁开了眼睛:“他们杀了科拉特之子康恩。”
  Handsome Conn had no mark but for the red stain over his breast, where the spear thrust had killed him. 英俊的康恩身上没有任何伤痕,只有长枪贯穿胸膛的一个红点。
  When Bronn pulled Shagga to his feet, the big man seemed to notice the arrows for the first time. 波隆扶夏嘎站起来,大个子仿佛这才注意到身上的箭,
  He plucked them out one by one, cursing the holes they had made in his layers of mail and leather,  便一枝枝拔出来,一边抱怨弓箭把他的盔甲和皮革插出一堆窟窿。