冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第995期:第四十六章 提利昂(31)(在线收听

   I'd hoped that if he saw our left collapse, he might plunge into the gap, eager for a rout. 我原本希望他一见我左军崩溃,便全力突进,企图侧面包抄。

  Once he was fully committed, Sir Kevan's pikes would wheel and take him in the flank, driving him into the river while I brought up the reserve." 等他进了圈套,凯冯爵士的长枪兵便会转身攻他侧翼,把他逼进河里,这时我再派出预备队。”
  And you thought it best to place me in the midst of this carnage, yet keep me ignorant of your plans. “您把我丢进这场大屠杀,却不肯把计划告诉我。”
  A feigned rout is less convincing, his father said, "and I am not inclined to trust my plans to a man who consorts with sellswords and savages." “佯攻难以让人信服,”父亲回答,“何况我不能把计划透漏给与雇佣兵和野蛮人为伍的人。”
  A pity my savages ruined your dance. “真可惜我的野蛮人坏了您的大好兴致。”
  Tyrion pulled off his steel gauntlet and let it fall to the ground, wincing at the pain that stabbed up his arm. 提利昂脱下钢护手,任它落地,因手肘的剧痛皱起眉头。
  The Stark boy proved more cautious than I expected for one of his years, Lord Tywin admitted, “以史塔克那小鬼的年纪来说,他的用兵超乎预期地谨慎,”泰温公爵承认,
  "but a victory is a victory. You appear to be wounded." “但胜利就是胜利。你似乎受伤了。”
  Tyrion's right arm was soaked with blood. 提利昂的右臂染满鲜血。
  "Good of you to notice, Father," he said through clenched teeth. “父亲,谢谢您的关心,”他咬牙道,
  "Might I trouble you to send for your maesters? “可否麻烦你派个学士来帮我看看?
  Unless you relish the notion of having a one-armed dwarf for a son... " 莫非您觉得有个独臂的侏儒儿子也不赖……”
  An urgent shout of "Lord Tywin!" turned his father's head before he could reply. 父亲还不及回答,只听一声急切的喊叫:“泰温大人!”,他便转过头去。
  Tywin Lannister rose to his feet as Sir Addam Marbrand leapt down off his courser. 亚当·马尔布兰爵士翻身下马,泰温公爵起立迎接。
  The horse was lathered and bleeding from the mouth.  那匹马则口吐白沫,嘴流鲜血。