冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第996期:第四十六章 提利昂(32)(在线收听

   Sir Addam dropped to one knee, a rangy man with dark copper hair that fell to his shoulders, 亚当爵士在父亲面前单膝跪下,他生得高瘦,一头暗铜色及肩长发,穿着发亮的镀铜钢铠,

  armored in burnished bronzed steel with the fiery tree of his House etched black on his breastplate. 胸甲中央有一棵象征家徽的燃烧之树。
  "My liege, we have taken some of their commanders. Lord Cerwyn, Sir Wylis Manderly, Harrion Karstark, four Freys. “公爵阁下,我们俘虏了部分敌方头目,包括赛文伯爵、威里斯·曼德勒爵士、哈利昂·卡史塔克和四个佛雷家的人。
  Lord Hornwood is dead, and I fear Roose Bolton has escaped us." 霍伍德伯爵战死。至于卢斯·波顿,恐怕已经逃了。”
  And the boy? Lord Tywin asked. “那小鬼呢?”泰温公爵问。
  Sir Addam hesitated. "The Stark boy was not with them, my lord. 亚当爵士迟疑片刻。“大人,史塔克那小鬼没和他们一道,
  They say he crossed at the Twins with the great part of his horse, riding hard for Riverrun." 他们说他已从孪河城渡河,带着骑兵主力,赶赴奔流城。”
  A green boy, Tyrion remembered, more like to be brave than wise. 好个毛头小鬼,提利昂想起父亲刚才的话,想必勇气多于睿智。
  He would have laughed, if he hadn't hurt so much. 若不是手痛得厉害,他一定会哈哈大笑。
  Catelyn. The woods were full of whispers. 凯特琳。林间轻响,絮绕耳际。
  Moonlight winked on the tumbling waters of the stream below as it wound its rocky way along the floor of the valley. 谷底溪水奔流,蜿蜒穿过石板河床,月光在水面粼粼波动。
  Beneath the trees, warhorses whickered softly and pawed at the moist, leafy ground, while men made nervous jests in hushed voices. 树下,战马轻声嘶鸣,伸蹄扒开覆满落叶的湿软地面。人们压低声音,紧张地开着玩笑。
  Now and again, she heard the chink of spears, the faint metallic slither of chain mail, but even those sounds were muffled. 她不时听见长枪的碰撞和锁子甲滑动所发出的微弱声响,但即便这些声音,也显得朦胧模糊。