冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1036期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(4)(在线收听

   Those who were allowed to leave left by the King's Gate or the Iron Gate, 获准离开的人走的是国王门和钢铁门,

  but Lannister men-at-arms in crimson cloaks and lion-crested helms manned the guard posts there. 但这两道门由身穿鲜红披风,头顶雄狮头盔的兰尼斯特部队亲自守卫。
  Spying down from the roof of an inn by the King's Gate, 艾莉亚曾趴在国王门附近的一家旅店屋顶上,
  Arya saw them searching wagons and carriages, forcing riders to open their saddlebags, and questioning everyone who tried to pass on foot. 眺望过去,只见他们搜索马车货物,强迫骑者打开鞍袋,详加盘查每位徒步出城的人。
  Sometimes she thought about swimming the river, 她也想过游泳渡河,
  but the Blackwater Rush was wide and deep, and everyone agreed that its currents were wicked and treacherous. 但黑水河既宽且深,而每个人都知道里面的暗流汹涌莫测。
  She had no coin to pay a ferryman or take passage on a ship. 要搭船,她又没钱付给船夫。
  Her lord father had taught her never to steal, but it was growing harder to remember why. 父亲大人教导她绝不能偷东西,可到底为什么不能偷,她是越来越模糊了。
  If she did not get out soon, she would have to take her chances with the gold cloaks. 眼下她再不赶紧出城,迟早会被金袍子找上。
  She hadn't gone hungry much since she learned to knock down birds with her stick sword, but she feared so much pigeon was making her sick. 虽然自从她学会用木剑打鸟,肚子就很少挨饿,但天天吃鸽子肉,她已经有些反胃。
  A couple she'd eaten raw, before she found Flea Bottom. 在找到跳蚤窝以前,有两次她还是生吃的。
  In the Bottom there were pot-shops along the alleys where huge tubs of stew had been simmering for years, 跳蚤窝的巷子里,有许多煮着大锅浓汤,终年冒烟的食堂。
  and you could trade half your bird for a heel of yesterday's bread and a "bowl o' brown," 你可以用半只鸟跟他们换一点昨天的面包和一碗“褐汤”,
  and they'd even stick the other half in the fire and crisp it up for you, so long as you plucked the feathers yourself. 假如你肯自己拔毛,他们还愿意帮你把另外半只鸟烤得香香脆脆。