冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1042期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(10)(在线收听

   She could not have said how she got back to Flea Bottom, 她不记得自己是怎么跑回跳蚤窝的,

  but she was breathing hard by the time she reached the narrow crooked unpaved streets between the hills. 但当她抵达丘陵间弯弯曲曲的狭窄巷道时,差点喘不过气。
  The Bottom had a stench to it, a stink of pigsties and stables and tanner's sheds, mixed in with the sour smell of winesinks and cheap whorehouses. 跳蚤窝里有一种臭味,混杂了猪圈、马厩和皮匠棚的气息,外加酸败酒肆和廉价妓院的味道。
  Arya wound her way through the maze dully. 艾莉亚在这迷宫里麻木地走着,
  It was not until she caught a whiff of bubbling brown coming through a pot-shop door that she realized her pigeon was gone. 直到经过一间食堂,闻到从门口传出的沸腾褐汤的香味,才发现鸽子没了。
  It must have slipped from her belt as she ran, or someone had stolen it and she'd never noticed. 一定是跑的时候从腰带上掉了,不然就是有人趁她不备偷走。
  For a moment she wanted to cry again. 一时之间,她的眼泪又快掉了下来。
  She'd have to walk all the way back to the Street of Flour to find another one that plump. 她可得大老远走到面粉街,才找得到那么肥的鸽子哪。
  Far across the city, bells began to ring. 在城市遥远的另一头,钟声响起。
  Arya glanced up, listening, wondering what the ringing meant this time. 艾莉亚抬眼倾听,不禁纳闷这次的钟声又代表着什么。
  What's this now? a fat man called from the pot-shop. “这会儿又怎么啦?”食堂里有个胖子喊。
  The bells again, gods ha'mercy, wailed an old woman. “天上诸神行行好,怎么这钟成天响个没完啊。”一名老妇人哀嚎。
  A red-haired whore in a wisp of painted silk pushed open a second-story window. 邻街二楼,有个穿着轻薄彩绘丝衣的红发妓女推开窗户。
  "Is it the boy king that's died now?" she shouted down, leaning out over the street. “这会儿换那小鬼国王死啦?”她探身朝下喊,
  "Ah, that's a boy for you, they never last long." “我说啊,小鬼就是这德行,个个都不持久!”
  As she laughed, a naked man slid his arms around her from behind, 她正在笑,一个浑身赤裸的男人便伸手从后面抱住她,
  biting her neck and rubbing the heavy white breasts that hung loose beneath her shift. 咬着她的脖子,一边隔着薄衫,用力搓揉她垂在胸前的那对白色大奶子。