冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1046期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(14)(在线收听

   Arya squirmed through the press, ducking between the legs of horses and clutching tight to her sword stick. 艾莉亚左推右挤,在一双双马腿之间穿梭,同时还得抓紧她的剑。

  From the middle of the crowd, all she could see were arms and legs and stomachs, and the seven slender towers of the sept looming overhead. 在人群里,她只能看到别人的手脚和肚子,以及耸立头顶的七座纤细高塔。
  She spotted a wood wagon and thought to climb up on the back where she might be able to see, but others had the same idea. 她瞄到一辆木马车,便想爬上去,期望这样看得比较清楚,但四周的人也有相同的念头,
  The teamster cursed at them and drove them off with a crack of his whip. 结果车夫破口大骂,鞭子一挥把他们通通赶走。
  Arya grew frantic. Forcing her way to the front of the crowd, she was shoved up against the stone of a plinth. 艾莉亚急了,她硬是往前钻,结果被人群挤得贴在一个石头基座上。
  She looked up at Baelor the Blessed, the septon king. Sliding her stick sword through her belt, Arya began to climb. 她抬起头,看到“主教国王,受神祝福的”圣贝勒的脸庞,于是艾莉亚把剑塞进腰带,开始往上爬。
  Her broken thumbnail left smears of blood on the painted marble, but she made it up, and wedged herself in between the king's feet. 虽然断掉的指甲在彩绘大理石上留下斑斑血迹,但她最后还是爬了上去,楔进国王的两腿中间。
  That was when she saw her father. 她看到了父亲。
  Lord Eddard stood on the High Septon's pulpit outside the doors of the sept, supported between two of the gold cloaks. 艾德公爵站在圣堂大门外的总主教讲坛上,左右各由一位金袍卫士搀扶。
  He was dressed in a rich grey velvet doublet with a white wolf sewn on the front in beads, and a grey wool cloak trimmed with fur, 他穿着一件厚实的灰天鹅绒上衣,胸前用珠子绣了一只白狼,肩披灰色羊毛滚绒边斗篷,
  but he was thinner than Arya had ever seen him, his long face drawn with pain. 但艾莉亚从没见他这么瘦过,那张长脸上写满了痛苦。