2018年CRI Zimbabwe and China ties gain new momentum: Zimbabwean President(在线收听


Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to arrive in Beijing on Monday for his first visit to China, as well as his first state visit to a country outside of Africa, since taking office.

Ahead of his arrival, Mnangagwa has sat down with Chinese media based in Zimbabwe, including China Radio International, to talk about his expectations for the visit.

He suggests choosing China as his first non-African trip makes sense.

"China stood by Zimbabwe during the hardest times this country has gone through. The relationship between Zimbabwe and China is historical. It's a solid friendship. For instance, during the 18 years' isolation, so many projects have been financed and supported by China. Just recently I opened the Kariba South Extension. That's Sino-hydro from China which is doing it," says Mnangagwa.

Since taking office late last year, Mnangagwa has signaled a commitment to opening up Zimbabwe's economy and reversing previous economic policies which have left Zimbabwe struggling to recover from years of hyper-inflation and stagnation.

Mnangagwa is leading a delegation of some 60 people, with many from Zimbabwe's business community.

He says the main goal of the trip is to try to convince Chinese businesses that Zimbabwe is once-again a good investment.

"The economic forum, meetings I am going to address are able to invite investors to come to Zimbabwe from China and tell them opportunities exist here and the environment now that is there. The security of the investment that we have created in our own jurisdiction and so on," says Mnangagwa.

The Zimbabwean president also says he'll be looking for help with technology and skill development, as well as potential lines of funding to help Zimbabwe revive its infrastructure, as well as modernize its manufacturing and agriculture sectors.

Mnangagwa, who studied in China in the 1960s, says he's impressed by the huge transformation China has gone through over the years, especially under the current leadership.

He adds that he's specifically looking forward to sitting down with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"I so much admire his approach to the development of China. He has taken a very hardline on corruption. He has grown the middle class in China. It has grown by leaps and bounds. This is why we are saying also here in Zimbabwe. We need with resources which we have, to make sure we create a strong middle class. This China has achieved under current leadership. And I feel most honored that he has invited me and I hope I'll learn a lot in my discussions with him," says Mnangagwa.

As part of his time in China, Mnangagwa will also make a stop to the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

He says he hopes to glean some lessons from the CPC Party School to help heal the rifts within his own ruling ZANU-PF party.

"I have no doubt that we shall continue to deepen our political relations and modernize our understanding over how a party must be run, a party must be maintained. A party must continue to modernize itself because as we go on things change. We must continue to embrace change as change comes to the political arena," says Mnangagwa.

Aside from meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Mnangagwa is also set to meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and the Chair of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Li Zhanshu.

During the 5-day visit, which wraps up on Friday, Mnangagwa will make stops in Beijing, as well as Anhui and Zhejiang Provinces.
