冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1109期:第五十三章 提利昂(1)(在线收听

   One of your sons, Tyrion thought. 你两个儿子中的一个,提利昂心想。

  He took a sip of wine and said not a word, thinking of Jaime. 他啜了口酒,一言不发,心里想着詹姆。
  When he lifted his arm, pain shot through his elbow, reminding him of his own brief taste of battle. 抬手之时,剧痛从肘部直冲脑际,提醒着他战场的滋味。
  He loved his brother, but he would not have wanted to be with him in the Whispering Wood for all the gold in Casterly Rock. 他虽然爱哥哥,但就算给他全凯岩城的金子,他也不想和哥哥待在呓语森林。
  His lord father's assembled captains and bannermen had fallen very quiet as the courier told his tale. 父亲召集的诸侯和将领纷纷安静下来,听信使陈述事情经过。
  The only sound was the crackle and hiss of the log burning in the hearth at the end of the long, drafty common room. 宽敞通风的旅馆长厅里,只有火炉中的柴薪在劈啪作晌。
  After the hardships of the long relentless drive south, 经历了长途的急行南下,
  the prospect of even a single night in an inn had cheered Tyrion mightily... 想到可以在旅店稍作歇息,虽然只有一晚,依旧使提利昂大为振奋……
  though he rather wished it had not been this inn again, with all its memories. 只是他暗暗希望别要又是这家充满回忆的旅店。
  His father had set a grueling pace, and it had taken its toll. 父亲严令他们以耗尽体力的速度行进,结果损失惨重。
  Men wounded in the battle kept up as best they could or were abandoned to fend for themselves. 战争中的伤员如果不能跟上,就落得被抛下来自生自灭的下场。
  Every morning they left a few more by the roadside, men who went to sleep never to wake. 每天早上他们动身之时,总有些人倒在路边,睡着便再没醒来;
  Every afternoon a few more collapsed along the way. 下午,又有另一些人筋疲力竭地瘫在道旁;
  And every evening a few more deserted, stealing off into the dusk. 到得晚上,更有些人当了逃兵,遁进夜色之中,
  Tyrion had been half-tempted to go with them. 连提利昂本人都很想跟他们一起走。