与美国小学生一起学英文第1册 第1期:沙漠(在线收听

   Desert 沙漠

  The desert is a very hot and dry place. 沙漠是非常炎热和干燥的地方。
  Where is the biggest desert in the world? 世界上最大的沙漠在哪里呢?
  Africa has the biggest desert in the world. 非洲有着世界上最大的沙漠。
  And the name of the desert is the Sahara. 这个沙漠的名字叫“撒哈拉”。
  About four million people live near the Sahara. 大约有四百万人生活在撒哈拉附近。
  But it has only five inches of rain every year. 可是撒哈拉每年的降雨量仅有5英寸(127毫米)。
  What a dry place it is! 多么干燥的一个地方啊!