与美国小学生一起学英文第1册 第24期:金钱(在线收听

   Money 金钱

  Everybody wants more money and works for money. 每个人都想要更多的钱并为挣钱而工作。
  People can get most of the things if they have money. 有钱能买到大部分的东西。
  How can children earn money? 孩子们如何挣到钱呢?
  Some of them clean up their houses and earn money. 有些孩子打扫自家的房子来挣钱。
  Some of them feed and walk their neighbors' dogs and earn money. 有些孩子帮邻居喂狗或遛狗来挣钱
  Also, some of them wash their father's car and earn money. 还有些孩子帮父亲洗车来挣钱。