与美国小学生一起学英文第2册 第14期:职业(在线收听

   Job 职业

  What do you do for a living? 你的职业是什么?
  Everybody has a job. 每个人都有职业。
  What kinds of jobs are there? 那么都有哪些类型的职业呢?
  There are teachers, doctors, cooks, lawyers, writers, bankers, actors, actresses, programmers and so on. 职业种类有教师、医生、厨师、律师、作家、银行家、演员和程序员等等。
  Do you know what a chick sexer is? 你知道雏鸡鉴别师是做什么的吗?
  That is one kind of job. 这是一种职业。
  The person who has this job determines the gender of chickens.  从事这种职业的人能判定雏鸡的性别。