与美国小学生一起学英文第2册 第31期:竖笛(在线收听

   Recorder 竖笛

  A recorder is a wind musical instrument and it has a mouthpiece at the top. 竖笛是一种吹奏乐器,它在顶端有一个喉舌。
  A recorder has seven finger holes on the front, and one finger hole on the back. 竖笛的7个指孔在前端,1个指孔在尾端。
  A recorder is a very simple musical instrument, so it is used for teaching music to children. 竖笛是一种非常简单的乐器,所以可用于教小孩子音乐。
  A recorder has a long history. 竖笛的历史源远流长。
  The first recorder was made from a sheep bone. 最早的竖笛是由羊骨做成的。