与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第32期:民族音乐(在线收听

   Folk Music 民族音乐

  Folk music means traditional music. 民族音乐是指传统音乐。
  Each country has its own folk music. 每个国家都有自己的民族音乐。
  Folk music becomes popular by word of mouth. 民族音乐通过口口相传变得流行起来。
  Folk songs are based on national culture. 民族音乐孕育于国家文化之中。
  Sometimes, we don't know who made a certain folk song. 有时候,我们无从考证一些民族歌曲的创作者。
  Folk songs include historical events. 民族歌曲包含历史事件。
  There are many kinds of folk intruments such as bagpipes, accordions, musical saws and so forth. 民族乐器有很多种,如风笛、手风琴和锯琴等乐器。