中英双语新闻 加拿大总理对美国进行国事访问(在线收听

This is the BBC news. Hello, I'm Jonathan Izard.

The US military has reportedly captured a chemical weapons expert who once worked for Saddam Hussein but now belongs to the militant Islamic State Group. The man identified as Sleiman Daoud al-Afari was apparently taken prisoner in a raid conducted by special forces a month ago. With more details, here is Ellen Johnsto.

The US recently increased its capacity to carry out special forces operations in Iraq and it seems the commanders managed to take prisoner a man called Sleiman Daoud al-Afari. He said he is a veteran of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons program. And under interrogation, he's reportedly revealed how the IS was able to acquire mustard gas agent and loaded into artillery shells. There has a series of report of the militants using the substance on the front lines.

A federal court in New York has found a US air force veteran guilty of trying to join the IS in Syria. Tairod Pugh, who converted to Islam, had flown to Turkey weeks after he was sacked from his job as a mechanic in Egypt. He was arrested at Istanbul airport. Dozens of Jihadi videos were found in his possession and a draft letter to his wife in which he pleaded to defend IS.

South Korean military sources say North Korea has filed two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast into the sea. The missiles flew about 500 kilometers and hit waters northeast of the port city of Wonsan. Here is Steve Evans.

The launch of the missiles followes a similar launch last week just after the UN tightened sanctions on North Korea. Yesterday, Kim Jong-un, the country's leader said his military had succeeded in making a nuclear bomb smaller enough to put on a missile. There is some skepticism by outside experts about such claims but there is no doubt that North Korea is developing both nuclear weapons and the rockets to deliver them.

The Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in Washington, the start of the first state visit to the White House by a Canadian leader in nearly twenty years. Barbara Plett-Usher is in Washington.

Justin Trudeau had pledged during the election campaign to reset relations with Canada's most important ally. They'd been strained under the previous conservative government. And within weeks of his victory, president Obama issued an invitation. He sees the young man someone who shared his politics and priorities, especially on issues like the environment. The two are expected to discuss ideas for curbing climate change, also ways to expand what's the world's largest trade relationship, and especially Canada's steps towards ratifying a trade agreement signed by 12 Pacific-rim countries last month.

Prosecutors in Brazil are filing charges against the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for money-laundering and failing to declare his assets. He denies any wrongdoing and says the charges are politically motivated. The accusations are part of the major corruption investigation at the state oil company Petrobras.

World news from the BBC.

The car manufacturer Volkswagen says its top executive in the US Michael Horn is stepping down with immediate effect. No reason was given for his departure which comes six moths after the emission scandal broke. Here is Michelle Fleury.

Michael Horn, the head of VW's operations in the United States is leaving after more than two decades with the company. In a statement, the German carmakers said Mr Horn was leaving to pursue other opportunities, effective immediately. No doubt there will be speculation as to why he is leaving now. From the early days, Mr Horn was instrumental in dealing with the company's response to its emission scandal. He was the one sent to apologize to US lawmakers last October, telling them the company has the bloody learn.

The Chilean general who led an army death squad in the aftermath of the 1973 military coup has died aged 94. General Sergio Arellano Stark was the commander of the infamous 'Caravan of Death' responsible for the deaths of at least 75 opponents of general Pinochet's military government.

New estimates show that the number of African rhinos killed by purchase has increased for the sixth year in a row. Over 1300 rhinos were killed for their horns last year. Craig Bruce from the Zoological Society of London said purchases are always one step ahead.

They understand the intelligence concept. They're incredibly well armed. They're incredibly well funded. So we're really dealing with a very more sophisticated criminal element than we're ever before.

The White House has ruled out a meeting between president Barack Obama and the aging leader of Cuban revolution Fidel Castro during the US president's historic trip to Havana later this month. In a Reuter's interview, president Obama's deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes said Mr Obama will be meeting Cuban dissidents after completing official events with president Raul Castro. Mr Raul said he did not anticipate obstacles being created to prevent them from meeting Mr Obama.




纽约联邦法庭判定一名美国空军老兵企图加入叙利亚的伊斯兰国组织,皈依伊斯兰教的机械师Tairod Pugh在埃及被解雇,几周后飞到土耳其,他在伊斯坦布尔机场被捕,在他的物品中发现几十个圣战录像带,还有一封他给妻子写信的草稿,信中他誓言捍卫伊斯兰国。












