中英双语新闻 巴基斯坦公园现人弹(在线收听

More than 70 people including 29 children are now known to have died in a suicide bombing in the Pakistani city of Lahore. The bomber detonated explosives near a playground in a park where Christians gathered for Easter Sunday. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban says it carried out the attack. This woman Nasry is mourning for her children. My two girls were in the park. They were both killed. We found one body. The other is still missing. Kamran Michaele is a government minister and Christian community leader. We are very very sad and feeling so upset because it's a day of our worship, it's a day of our holy festival, and the terrorist has attacked on the innocent people.

One of the first journalist to enter the Syrian city of Palmyra following its recapture from Islamic state militants has described it as a ghost town. Marharo Mounis arrived there on Sunday with Syrian forces. President Bashar al-Assad has declared a victory over terrorism. Sebastian Usher reports. It's hardly surprising that the recapture of Palmyra has prompted a round of triumphalism from the Syria government and its allies. The Russian President Vladimir Putin has rung President Bashar al-Assad to congratulate him on his army success. Russian air strikes and reportedly its forces on the ground played a vital role in the offensive, but it's the propaganda boost for the Syrian president that may be most telling. The world watched with horror as IS destroyed temples and arches in the ancient city of Palmyra. Now, Mr. Assad can portray himself as coming to the rescue of the world heritage site.

The mayor of Brussels has said it was shameful that far right protesters were able to disrupt a vigil on Sunday for the victims of last week's bomb attacks. Yvan Mayeur has demanded an explanation from Belgium's interior minister after the demonstrators trampled over a makeshift shrine in Brussels and shouted at Muslims.

Thousands of Serbians have marched through Belgrade carrying placards condemning NATO and praising the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Last month, the government in Belgrade which wants to join the European Union signed a cooperation agreement with NATO. Milits Jodgvic was one of the organizers of yesterday's protest. We seek a referendum on the NATO pact because we think the agreement signing with NATO violates their solution of neutrality that was adopted by Serbia's parliament and because the agreement enables NATO troops to patrol through Serbia. Serbia is becoming a training ground for the NATO army. And that was one of the organizers of yesterday's protest. World news from the BBC.

Police in France say a Belgium professional cyclist Antoine Demoitie has died after an accident during the Gent-Wevelgem race. He was hit by a support motorcycle following a collision with other riders in northern France on Sunday.

The authorities in Mexico say they've arrested the top money launderer for the Mexican drug lord Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman. Juan Manuel Alvarez Inzunza is suspected of working for the Sinaloa cartel. Here is Arian Shipers. Juan Manuel Alvarez Inzunza, nicknamed King Midas, was arrested while on holiday in the southern state of Oaxaca. The 34-year-old is believed to have laundered up to 4 billion dollars over the past decade through a network of companies and currency exchange centers. These financial operations extended beyond Mexico into Colombia, Panama and United States. A federal court in Washington had requested his arrest and he's likely to be extradited. His former boss Joaquin Guzman is also facing extradition to the United States having been recaptured in January after his sensational escape from a Mexican high security jail. BBC news.






