中英双语新闻 斯里兰卡洪水泛滥已致37人死亡(在线收听

The Nigerian military say they freed nearly 100 women and girls held by Boko Haram militants during a clearance operation in the north of the country, the hostages include one of the more than 200 school girls kidnapped from Chibok school in 2014. David Bamford reports, The Nigerian military spokesman Col.Sani Usman told BBC that in an operation on Thursday morning in Borno State, involving two battalions and special forces, 97 women and children held hostage by Boko Haram have been located and rescued, among them , another of the Chibok school girls. Col.Usman said he is optmistic that a mission can soon be amounted into the Sambisa forest where it's told the school girls are still being held, the hope is that this time sufficient moment have been building to launch a successful rescue operation.

As the search continues for rackage from the Egypt airplane that vanished over the east mediterranean, the French authorities are trying to discover whether there was a security breach in Paris, the aircraft have been enroute from the French capital to Cairo with 66 people on board. Jonathon Blake is in Paris, The focus here is on what if any breach of security happened at Charles de Gaulle airport, security was already tight and under review after the recent terror attacks in Paris. Officers on duty here on Wednesday night when the Egypt airplane took off had been interviewed. French investigators and technical adviser from Airbus have gone to Cairo to assist the Egyptian authorities who are leading the investigation. Egypt's aviation minister has said the cause was likely to be a terrorist act.

The Venezuelan supreme court has ruled that a decree issued by President Nicolas Maduro last week, declaring a state emergency in the country was constitutional, the decree gives Mr Maduro extra powers to deal with Venezuela's economic crisis. Leonardo Rocha has more. The supreme court's decision is on another round that a political battle going on in a deeply polarized country. President Maduro issued the decree on Friday, declaring a state of emergency for 60 days, the opposition said the decision was unconstitutional and called on the armed forces to intervene. Wednesday law makers in the oppositional held National Assembly, rejected the decree, Mr Maduro had already said he would abide by the Assembly's decision. World news from the BBC.

Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for the US presidency, says there was no way that she will not be her party’s candidate for the November elections. She said she had an insurmountable lead over her rival Bernie Sanders. Turning her attention to the likely republican candidate, Mrs Clinton says Donald Trump was unqualified to be US president.

The San Francisco police chief has resigned, hours after one of its officers shot and killed a young black women. Greg Suhr was asked by the city's mayor to stand down, following a series of racially charged incidents in the past year. David Willice reports. Pressure has been mounted for Greg Suhr resignation since last December when five San Francisco police officers shot and killed a yound black man carring a knife. But the city's mayor Edwin Lee backed to chief then and continue to support him when he was disclosed that several officers had exchanged racist and homophobia text messages that the shooting over 27 year old woman who crashed a stollen car into another vehicle made the police chief's position untenable. Mr Lee said changes to San Francisco police department will clearly not happening faster enough.

Officials in Sri Lanka say the number of dead from floods and mudslides has risen to 63. with more than 130 peopel still missing, days of torrential rain have flooded large parts of the island, and three hillside villages in central Sri Lanka have been buried by thick red mud, thousands of people are sheltering in camps.

The two candidates in Sunday's presidential run-off in Austria are making the last pitch for votes. Wales Rally is on the final day of campaigning. If Norbert Hofer of the Freedom party wins, he will become the European Union's first far right head of state. He is up against Alexander van der Bellen who is running as an independent. BBC news.







