中英双语新闻 瑞士村庄为拒收难民甘愿受罚(在线收听

Swiss voters have overwhelmingly rejected a referendum proposal to introduce a guaranteed basic income. Under the proposal, adults,whether they work or not,would receive some twenty five hundred dollars per month and more than six hundred dollars for each child. Supporters of the plan said it would eradicate poverty and give people more freedom to choose careers,arguing that increased automation in the workplace is killing jobs. However,opponents claim the scheme would weaken the economy and naturally discourage people from working. A spokesperson for the right-wing Swiss People's Party added the plan would only work if Switzerland were an island,otherwise it would only spur immigration.

Now on the same day as the income plan referendum, nearly seventy percent of voters also backed a proposal to speed up the country's asylum procedures. One Swiss village is even ready to pay out just there and have to take in any newcomers. Peter Oliver reports. Imagine an idealist swiss village on a picturesque mountain,the residents here are pretty wealthy,wealthy enough you think to help a few people in need. But who free are misery,war,oppression,political oppression. we have our responsibility to help them, whether we want to or not. Well these villages have other ideas. The population of around 2,000 people,300 of which who are millionaires voted by a very slim majority to say no to taking in just ten refugees. And instead opting to pay a whopping quarter of a million euro in fines. It's an incredibly divisive issue here so much so that not one person we met was willing to discuss it with us. So I've come here to the Swiss Parliament to meet the man who's in charge of the town in question and ask him why shelling out with more appropriate than sheltering. Are you simply too rich for refugees?It's not that we're too rich. I think that the refugee policy in this country is wrong. We should be helping people closer to their homes,not getting them to risk their lives and pay traffickers to come thousands of kilometers away. What a sad and shameful way for your village to make news. To pay to be free of responsibility towards fellow human beings in need. That's not really going to work. Amazingly there's a church in Oberwil-lieli. But obviously understanding of Christianity completely lacking!What do you think about the whole system of of fines being in post?I think it's crazy personally but it's the law. I think it gives the impression that we are the super-rich,wanting to buy these refugees off. Our people are racist. We want to help those in need. The people of this rural community of being accused of being selfish. What they do agree on though is that there is a problem they just see a different solution to trying to tackle Europe's biggest refugee crisis since World War Two. Look, everyone was outraged when Hungary closed its borders to refugees. Now everyone is doing it. We have to address our refugee policy first. How many us and see refugees when you see people having crossed five safe countries before they get here. Is it because they are legitimate refugees or is it because they want to come to Switzerland?We need to help these people nearer to where they are from. The way things are going when there is peace,there will be no young left to rebuild their nations as they're all here.


