Lesson 80-1 Visiting Friends 拜访朋友(在线收听

Listen to the dialogues and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

A:May I speak to Ruth?
B:Yes, speaking.
A:Hi, Ruth. This Susan, Susan Lin, your old housemate in UK.
B:Oh...heyl Susanl What a great surprisel How are you?
A:l'm fine. Thanks. And, how are you?
B:The same as always. Are you calling from Taiwan?
A:No. Actually, I come with my husband's business trip to Germany.
B:Really. Are you in Hamburg now?
A:No,  l'm in Munich now. But, two days later we'll visit Hambu rg.
B:That's great, for how many days?
A:We'II stay in Hamburg for 5 days.
B:Which hotel will you stay?
A:Silver Palace Hotel.
B:I see. I know that hotel. It isn't very far away from my house.
A:That's great. Do you have time for a cup of tea?
B:Yes. Shall we have the tea in my house? l'd love to introduce you to my husband and daughter.
A:That would be great. And, my husband and son will come along with me.
B:l'm looking forward to seeing them.
A:Then,  l'II  ring you while I arrive at the hotel in  Hambu rg.
B:Sure. l'II wait for your call. See you soon!
A:See you!


Listen to the dialogues and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1._____Susan comes to German for a business trip.
2._____Susan's friend lives in Hamburg.
3._____Susan invites her friend to her hotel called Silver Palace Hotel.
4._____Susan's friend lives very far away from the Silver Palace Hotel.
5._____Susan will take her husband and daughter to meet her friend.


