向前一步:第61期 要成功 也要受欢迎(12)(在线收听

   I went back to Mark and said that I couldn't accept, but I prefaced it by telling him, 我又回去找扎克伯格,告诉他我也许不能接受这份工作,但开场白是这样的:

  "Of course you realize that you're hiring me to run your deal teams, so you want me to be a good negotiator. “扎克伯格,我明白你很想雇用我来管理你的市场团队,所以你当然希望我是个优秀的谈判者。
  This is the only time you and I will ever be on opposite sides of the table." 这是你和我之间唯一一次面对面的谈判。”
  Then I negotiated hard, followed by a nervous night wondering if I had blown it. 之后我便在交谈中略显强硬。当晚,我心情紧张,担心自己会把事情搞砸。
  But Mark called me the next day. 但第二天扎克伯格就打电话给我,
  He resolved the gap by improving my offer, 说接受我提出的条件:
  extending the terms of my contract from four to five years and allowing me to buy into the company as well. 他将我的合同期限从4年延长到5年,并且同意我成为公司股东。
  His creative solution not only closed the deal, but also set us up for a longer-term alignment of interests. 这么做弥合了我们之间的分歧,他颇有创意的解决方案让我们的利益有了更长远的关联。
  The goal of a successful negotiation is to achieve our objectives and continue to have people like us. 谈判成功的目标是既要达到预期,又要继续让别人喜欢自己。
  Professor Hannah Riley Bowles, who studies gender and negotiations at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院研究性别与谈判的汉娜·鲍尔斯教授认为,
  believes that women can increase their chances of achieving a desired outcome by doing two things in combination. 女性可以通过将这两个目标结合到一起,来提高谈判的成功概率。
  First, women must come across as being nice, concerned about others, and "appropriately" female. 首先,女性给他人的印象应该是有亲和力的、关心他人的,要有“恰到好处”的女人味。
  When women take a more instrumental approach ("This is what I want and deserve"), people react far more negatively. 而当女性采用一种较为功利的态度时(“这就是我想要的,也是我应得的”),人们会比较反感。
  There is a saying, "Think globally, act locally." 套用一句老话:“思考全球化、行动本土化。”
  When negotiating, "Think personally, act communally." 在谈判时,要做到“思考个人化,行动公共化”。