美国小学英语教材1:第8课 波比的惊喜(在线收听

   A Surprise for Bobby 波比的惊喜

  Every summer Bobby went to see his grandfather and grandmother. 每年夏天,波比都会去探望他的祖父和祖母。
  They lived on a farm. 他们住在农场里。
  Bobby liked to go to the farm. 波比喜欢到农场去。
  He had a good time there. 他在那过得很开心。
  He liked to help Grandfather feed the cows and pigs. 他喜欢帮祖父喂牛和猪。
  It was fun to be at the farm. 待在农场里很有趣。
  Bobby liked to help Grandmother feed the chickens. 波比喜欢帮祖母喂鸡。
  One day Grandmother gave him a little yellow chicken. 一天,祖母给了他一只小黄鸡。
  You may have this little chicken for your own," she said. 这只小鸡就给你了,”她说。
  "But you must feed it every day. “但是你必须每天都要喂它。
  "Oh, thank you!" he said. “噢,谢谢你!”他说。
  Every day Bobby went to feed the little yellow chicken. 此后波比每天都去喂他的小黄鸡。
  He gave it water, too. 他还给它喝水。
  Soon the summer was over; and Father came to take Bobby home. 一个夏天很快就过去了;爸爸来接波比回家。
  He said good-by to Grandmother and Grandfather. 他向祖父和祖母道了别。
  Then he ran to see his chicken. 然后他跑去看他的小鸡。
  "Good-by, Little Yellow Chicken," said Bobby. "Do not forget me. “再见了,小黄鸡”,波比说。”不要忘记我。
  I will come to see you again next summer." 我明年夏天会再来看你的。”
  Next summer Bobby went back to the farm. 第二年夏天波比回到了农场。
  He was glad to see Grandfather and Grandmother. 他很高兴见到祖父和祖母。
  He ran to Grandmother and asked her about his little yellow chicken. 他跑到祖母跟前询问他的那只小黄鸡。
  "Where is my chicken?" he asked. “我的小鸡在哪?”他问道。
  Grandmother said, "We will see. 祖母说,“我们马上就会看到的。
  Soon they went to the barn. 不一会儿,他们来到了谷仓。
  Bobby looked and looked, but he did not see his little yellow chicken. 波比找啊找,但他没有看到他的小黄鸡。
  Just then a big brown hen jumped from a nest. 就在这时,一只棕色的大母鸡从窝里跳了出来。
  Here is your little yellow chicken, said Grandmother. 这就是你的小黄鸡,祖母说道。
  Bobby saw an egg in the nest. 波比在鸡窝里看到了一个鸡蛋。
  "Look, look!" he said. “看,快看!”他说。
  I did not know my little chicken. 我不认识我的小鸡了。
  But she did not forget me. 但它没有忘记我。
  She gave me an egg for breakfast. 它给了我一个鸡蛋当早餐。