美国小学英语教材1:第14课 卡罗和大鸟(在线收听

   Carlo and the Big Bird 卡罗和大鸟

  Carlo was a big dog. 卡罗是一只大狗。
  He lived with Grandfather on the farm. 他和祖父住在农场里。
  Carlo was a good farm dog. 卡罗是一只很好的农场狗。
  He helped Grandfather. 它是祖父的好帮手。
  Every day he went after the cows. 每天它都会去照看奶牛。
  Carlo liked to go to the fields with Grandfather. 卡罗喜欢跟祖父去田里。
  One day Jim came to the farm. 一天,吉姆来到了农场。
  He was playing with Carlo. 他正在跟卡罗一块玩耍。
  Jim wanted Carlo to do tricks. 吉姆想要卡罗表演。
  "Carlo can not do any tricks," said Grandfather. “卡罗不会表演,”祖父说。
  But he is a good farm dog and knows how to help a farmer. 但它是一只很好的农场狗,知道如何帮助农民。
  He gets the cows for me. 它替我看管奶牛。
  He runs after the crows that come to eat the corn. 它也会驱赶那些偷吃玉米的乌鸦。
  The crows do not like him. 那些乌鸦不喜欢它。
  Jim said, Oh, Grandfather! It must be fun to see Carlo go after the crows. 吉姆说,噢,祖父!看卡罗追赶乌鸦一定很有趣。
  Let us take him to the field now. 现在,我们带它去田里。
  We may see some crows there. 我们可能会在那里看到乌鸦。
  I want to see Carlo run after the crows. 我想看卡罗追赶乌鸦。
  Grandfather and Jim took Carlo to the corn field. 祖父和吉姆带着卡罗来到了玉米地。
  They saw some big black crows. 他们看到了一些黑色的大乌鸦。
  "Go, Carlo!" cried Grandfather. “去啊,卡罗!”祖父叫到。
  Go after the crows! 快去赶乌鸦!
  Carlo started after the crows. 卡罗开始赶乌鸦。
  The big birds flew away; but some of them came back soon. 那些大鸟飞走了;但其中的一些很快又飞回来了。
  Carlo ran after the crows again and again. 卡罗一次又一次地追赶那些乌鸦。
  He thought it was fun. 它觉得这样很有趣。
  Good dog! Good Carlo! said Jim. 好狗!好卡罗!吉姆说。
  Just then they heard a noise over their heads. 就在这时,他们听到头顶上有噪音。
  They all looked up. 他们都往上看。
  "See the airplane!" said Jim. “看,是飞机!”吉姆说。
  "Here it comes," said Grandfather. “它飞过来了,”祖父说。
  "It is coming over the field." “它正经过田顶上方。”
  Jim said, It looks like a big bird, Carlo sees it, too. 吉姆说,它看起来像大鸟,卡罗也看到了它。
  There he goes after it. 它去追飞机了。
  Carlo ran after the airplane as fast as he could go. 卡罗以最快的速度去追赶飞机。
  By and by the dog came back to the corn field. He was very tired. 没过多久,卡罗回到了玉米地里。它累坏了。
  Grandfather laughed at him, and Jim laughed, too. 祖父看着它笑了,吉姆也笑了。
  "That is a good joke on you, Carlo," said Jim. You thought the airplane was a big bird. “你真个好玩的笑话,卡罗”,吉姆说。你把那只飞机当成大鸟了。