美国小学英语教材1:第20课 比利上学了(在线收听

   Billy Goes to School 比利上学了

  It was the very first day of school for Billy. 这是比利去上学的第一天。
  Breakfast was over, and he was all ready to go. 吃完早饭后,他准备去上学了。
  He had a new hat and new shoes, and he looked very nice. 他戴着新帽子,穿着新鞋子,看起来好看极了。
  "Take good care of Billy, Alice," said Mother. “爱丽丝,照顾好比利啊”,妈妈说。
  "Watch for the cars as you go across the street." “过马路的时候注意车辆”。
  "Hurry, Alice," said Billy. "I want to get to school early." “快点,爱丽丝”,比利说。“我想早点到学校去”。
  Billy and his sister started to school. 比利和他的姐姐动身去学校了。
  Many other children were going to school, too. 许多其他的孩子也正在去学校的路上。
  Soon Billy saw the big red school across the street. 没过多久,比利就看到了马路对面的一座红色的大学校。
  Some children were playing in the school yard. 一些孩子正在校园里玩耍。
  Just then Alice saw Polly and stopped to talk with her. 就在这时,爱丽丝看到了珀丽,她便停了下来和她说话。
  "Wait for me, Billy," she said.  “等我一下,比利”。她说。
  But Billy did not want to wait for his sister. He wanted to hurry. 但是比利不想等他姐姐,他想快一点。
  Some of the boys in the school yard were playing ball. 一些男孩子正在校园里打球。
  Billy wanted to play with them. 比利想和他们一块玩。
  He saw some cars coming, but he thought he could get across the street if he ran very fast. 他看到一些汽车正开过来,但是他觉得,如果快跑的话,就能穿过马路。
  So he started to run.  于是,他准备要跑。
  Just then a big boy caught Billy and stopped him. 就在这时,一个大男孩抓住了比利,制止了他。
  The big boy had a white band on his coat. 那个大男孩的外套上系着一条白色的带子。
  He said, "Look out, little boy, or a car will run over you. 他说,“当心啊,小男孩,要不然汽车会把你撞到的。
  Watch that light up there. 注意那上面的信号灯。
  When it is red, it says STOP. 当它是红色的时候,表示“停”。
  When it is yellow, it says WAIT. 当它是黄色的时候,表示“等一等”。
  When it is green, it says GO." 当它是绿色的时候,表示“行”。”
  Billy said, "Thank you! I will do what the lights tells me to do." 比利说,“谢谢你的提醒!我会按照信号灯的指示去做的”。
  After school Billy met his sister, "Who are the big boys that have white bands?" he asked.  放学后,比利碰到了他姐姐,“那些系着白色带子的大男孩都是谁啊”?他问道。
  She said, "I don't know their names. 姐姐说,“我不知道他们的名字。
  But they stand in the street and watch the little children. 但是他们站在马路上,照看小朋友。
  They always have white bands." 他们总是系着白色的带子。”
  Billy said, "Some day I shall have a white band on my coat. 比利说,“将来有一天,我也要在我的外套上系上白色的带子。
  Then I'll help the little children across the street and tell them to watch the lights." And he did!  那样的话,我就可以帮助小朋友过马路了,并告诉他们注意那些信号灯了,”后来他真得做到了!